Chapter 2 ~ School

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As the bus rounded the corner of the school I saw a brand new Porsche sitting outside.I came off the bus and ran straight into the schools worst nightmare, Lexis. She was the equivalent of a spider and a poodle. 

"Watch where your going freak or else" she sneered as her friends giggled at me.

"What are you gonna do. You cant even spell your own name let alone threaten me so why don't you and your power puffs go and powder your noses." I stormed away from them sick of the way they treated everyone. I walked into the courtyard and saw my friends immediately.  Willow had green shoulder length hair and Adam well he was dressed in something that Lexis would call atrocious. It was a green paisley shirt and brown corduroy trousers with grey shoes. I walked over and they stopped talking mid-conversation.

"Hey Ava, whats up, you okay?" Adam said as he copied down Willows notes for English. Willow just watched everyone walk by. She called it People watching whereas Adam called it creepy.

"Nothing much, um my mom and Lucy's dad had a fight last night, I had a weird ass dream and i had a run in with Lexis" I muttered as I watched Adam take notes.

"Wait what happened." Willow asked astounded.

"Well I got off the bus and walked into Lexis and...." I stopped as she cut me off

"No,no ,not about that, about the dream how was it weird?" Adam asked giving Willow her notes back before shoving his jotter in his bag.

"Well it was dark and there was a lot of black fog and two people were there a man and a girl and she called him brother but the weird thing is that they were talking about someone and i had the feeling it was me but yeah no weirder than usual." I looked up at their faces and it ranged from Adam being confused to Willow seeming scared.

"Why whats wrong?" I aimed that at Willow but the bell rang saving her from explaining. I got up to go to class and as I went in I heard a voice 

"Beware, everything is different now. Beware." I turned round thinking someone was playing a joke on me but no one was there. I shook my head and walked into class. I couldn't concentrate due to hearing that voice. I don't know what it was but it creeped me out.

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