Chapter 19

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The first thing I did when I woke up in the morning was shower, once I had showered I made sure that the others were up and packed. I put on my new Victoria Secret matching bra and underwear set then put on a pair of skin tight black jeans, black strappy top and cobat boots.

I picked up my bag and took it down stairs and left it by the door and went and ate some breakfast once I had eaten I went to say goodbye to Andrea and Costin.

When I arrived at their room I knock on the door. Costin opened the door and welcomed me in. We walked into the nursery where Andrea was sat by Cara and Chloe's cots, I smiled at the sight before me.

"I came to say goodbye to you both and to wish you luck, and I want you to know that if you need anything I will do my best to help." I tell them.

"Thank you Rose it means a lot to us that you have done this and are still wiling to help us." Andrea says.

"For their sixteenth birthday I want to invite you all to come to our pack." I say.

"Thank you." They both say.

"Can I have a moment with them alone there is something that I want to give them." I say

"Of course, we will be outside." Costin says.

They both leave the room and shut the door behind them.

I whisper in their ear and kiss their heads. Only myself and them will know what I whisper in their ears. When I leave their room I hug both Andrea and Costin goodbye and then left and walked back to the kitchen and waited.

Beth was already waiting in the kitchen for me I smiled at her, I was happy that I was going home to Alex but I was sad that I was leaving Cara and Chloe.

"Where's Benji and Jake?" I asked.

"They went to Andrea's room so Jake could say goodbye." She told me.

Not long after she said that Andrea, Benji, Costin and Jake came in I smiled at them and made some sandwiches for us all, and made extra for us to take with us. We ate our sandwiches in comfortable silence until Cara and Chloe began to cry.

We gave our final goodbye and left the house, once we were outside Luca came running up to us and hugged Beth and I, he shook Benji and Jake's hand, when he and Benji shook hands Jake growled, his wolf still not happy about what happened when they first met, Benji ran his hand down the side of Jake's neck to calm him.

"Bye Luca I wish you and your mate a life of happiness and I hope to see you guys again." I told him.

We all shifted and ran to the border of Costin's territory and I let out a howl to signal that we had left, Andrea howled back, Luna to Luna.

We ran until we were a mile from our territory where we stopped to eat the extra sandwiches and drank some water. We made it onto our territory but as suspected the two wolves that were on patrol tried to attack us, Beth, Benji and Jake protected me as I was their Luna.

One of the wolves had obviously mind linked Alex because he came running towards us.

If Alex orders you to shift go behind a tree and wait for me to shift. I tell Benji, Beth and Jake. Yes Luna. They all reply realising that I have gone into Alpha mode.

"Shift" Alex growls at us.

I nod at the other three to do as I say and they go behind trees but I stay put.

"I told you to shift, do you think to disrespect me in my territory." Alex growls at me.

I growl right back at him, I have yet to re open my mind links here.

Wait for me to tell you to come out. I tell the others. I shift back and look Alex straight in the eyes.

"Your territory? Really Alex, last I checked this was MY territory. And I thought you would be happy to see me after all this time, well I see I was wrong. Have Marc bring Lucias here now." I growl at him.

He mind links Marc and moments later he and Lucias appear. Beth come out. I tell her and she does exactly that and Lucias runs straight into her arms.

"Hello Marc, good to see you." I tell him.

He nods and smiles at me.

"I guess it wasn't the right time for us to come back so we will leave just do me a favour tell Maisey that I came home but was forced to leave again and that I will tell her where she can find us. We are taking Lucias with us." I tell them and turn my back on them and walk away.

Alex has yet to stop growling, Skylar is whining inside my head telling me to go to him but I won't, if he no longer wants me I will not stay, I will go and I will move into the house that Beth lived in before she came back.

Benji you and Jake may come out now, we're going. I tell them barely holding back my tears. Benji walks over to Beth and puts his arm around her shoulder and takes Lucias' hand while Jake put his arm around me and helped me to walk, I no longer had the strength.

I opened my mind links here as I walked away.

"I understand if you no longer want me Alex after I left you for this long without telling you where I was just know that I didn't do it for me, I did it for my brother and yours." I told him and took of with the others following me.

I'm home Daddy. I cry.

The photo above is how I imagined Costin to look.

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