Chapter 27

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Rose's pov:

Alex, Dimitri, Maisey and I were all sat out by the fountain talking. For the last few months Dimitri and Maisey have been  training hard, they are working to finally get their Guardian marks.

I cannot wait to finally tell them that tonight they are getting them, they both deserve it.

Alex it is time. I told him, he gave a slight nod.

"Dimitri, Maisey, Alex and I know how hard you have been working to pass as guardian's and we are proud to call you both our guardian's... And I am pleased to tell you that you are both getting your marks tonight." I told them happily.

"Wow, you really mean it, Rose?" Maisey asks.

"Yes Mai I do, you both deserve it." I told her.

Only a Lord and or Lady/ King or Queen can give Guardian marks, but some do not have guaridan's. That I know of there are only 4 species of wolves that have guardians for their royals.

The way we give them their marks is we bite them, just as a mate would, we must bite our own guardian, it solidifies the bond.

"Are you ready?" I asked Maisey

"Yes, I have waited for this my whole life." She said.

She tilted her neck to side so that I had easy access to her neck and then I bit her neck and then retracted my teeth and licked the wound to seal it. I smiled at Maisey and waited to see her mark form.

"Wow, it is beautiful and it is also manly at the same time." I said smiling.

Both their marks were the same and were in the same place, above their heart.

"We are finally real guardians." Maisey cried.

"Mum and dad would be proud, especially of you." Dimitri said.

I hugged them both and was beyond happy for them. No matter what happens they will be able to fully protect us.

"I love you Rose." Alex said as he wrapped his arms around me as we lay in bed.

"I love you too Alex." I said and kissed him.

I soon fell asleep peaceful in the knowledge that nothing will happen to my mate and that I fullfiled my best friends dream.

The photo above is the Guardian mark.

I know this is a really short chapter and I am sorry. It is just a filler, I have a lot going on right now and haven't had time to write. I will try and write the next chapter soon. I know you are all dying to find out what happens with Fenfir wolves...

Lots of love,

Rhiannon_Irene_Lupei xoxoxoxoxox

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