Chapter 25

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Beth's pov:

"Thank you." I told him when I put my plate in the sink.

"Rose finally got you to come out the gym then?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said.

"I need to get back in shape, I have let myself go for too long." I said and turned to leave.

"Beth, wait." Eric said from close behind me.

I turned and was face to face with him, he leaned in and kissed me, I automaticaly reacted and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him close and tugged on his hair, I automaticaly granted entrace and his tounge explored my mouth, I moaned into the kiss and he growled in response.

I know I should pull away but I can't. I want him to love me. I have to give in soon, I need him.

I pulled away before it could go too far both of us were breathing heavy and stared into the others eyes.

"Please don't leave me, I was young and stupid. I can't live without you, you are the light that has guided me through the dark, I was stupid enough to let to you go once and I am not going to make that mistake again. I love you Beth." He said.

I can't deal with this now, I untangled myself from him and walked away from him and into the gym. As soon as the door closed behind me I locked it, I need time on my own and I need to train.

I began to lift weights and got on the running machine, when i was finshed I grabbed the throwing knives and began to throw them at the target, each one hitting their mark.

Kyra, come to the gym, alone. Let me know when you're outside and I will unlock the door. I said to her through mindlink.

I needed a sparing partner and she is the only person who will not try and convince me that Eric has changed plus she has been a rouge for most of her life which means she will be able to teach me new tricks.

I'm outside. She told me and I opened the door and let her in. I shut and locked the door behind her so that no one could get in.

"What can I do for you?" She asked.

"I need to train in hand to hand comabt, I am really far behind and I wanted to spend time with you without anyone else being around." I told her.

"Okay, that sounds like something I can do." She said.

We trained non stop for the rest of the day, she taught me all she knew which was a lot, I guess living as a rouge paid off.

"Beth, you know I said that when I left it was because at the time I thought it was the best thing to do? Well there was another reason, it is also the reason I came back..." Kyra said when we finally stopped training.

"What is it Kyra?" I asked.

"I left to protect you, the rouges that killed mum and dad were after us. We have very powerful blood." She said.

"What are you saying Kyra?" I asked worriedly.

"We aren't ordinary wolves. We have Fenfir blood, that is why our fur a has blue tint to it. We are the last of our bloodline. I thought that if I left they wouldn't bother you but I was wrong. They have been waiting for us to reveal ourseleves and when you killed Kale word spread and they found out. They found me first but I got away."

"Does anyone else know?" I asked.

"Rose's father does, it is the reason he let me join. I had no idea that you had Lucias then but he is in danger, they will take him and us because he has our blood." She told me.

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