Chapter 32

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Rose's pov

After talking with Alex I went up stairs and bathed Mikey.

"Wose, why is your tummy getting big?" He asked me.

"You wanna know? If I tell you, you can't tell anyone, okay bud?" I tell him.

"Pwomise Wose, pwomise I won't tew anybody." He said.

"I'm pregnant." I told him.

He squealed in happieness.

"Shh, Mikey, the only person who knows other than you is Maisey so shh." I told him giggling.

"Sowwy Wose." He said.

He climbed out of the bath and we got him dressed. He went down stairs and sat with Alex.

I got in the shower and washed my hair. I hadn't noticed my stomach until Mikey pointed it out.

I really need to go see the pack midwife. I'll ask Mai to come with me.

Mai, will you come see the midwife with me today?

Of course Rose, have you told Alex?

No and I don't want to yet.

Okay Rose.

I got out the shower and got ready for the day. I went down stairs and found Alex and Mikey play fighting.

"I'll see you guys later, I have stuff I needto do, please watch Mikey." I said and left.

Maisey was waiting for me outside.

"You ready to go?" She asked.

"As I will ever be." I told her.

We went straight to the pack hospital and went straight into to see Angelica the pack midwife.

"What can I do for you ladies?" She asked us.

"I'm pregnant and I need to have a scan and things and I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone, especially not my mate." I told her.

She nodded and set up the scan machine.

"Would you like a scan picture to take away with you?" She asked.

"Could I have two please, I promised my little brother he could have one." I told her.

"Of course." She said and printed two off.

We left the hospital and went back to the house.

The photo above is how I imagined Becca to look

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