Chapter Fourteen

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(Adrenaline's POV)
When I woke up later that morning, Party Poison was curled up next to me. He shifted a little and sat up.
"Good morning, Adrenaline..." Poison yawned. I sat up next to him.
"Morning." I said back to him. I looked around his room. Comics were scattered around his room. He had band posters taped up on the walls. He had a pile of cds on his dresser.
"You okay?" Poison asked me.
"Y-yeah. Just looking around." I smiled.
"I know it's kinda a mess..." He laughed nervously.
"It's not that bad." I stood up and walked over to him. "It's actually pretty cool."


Poison and I walked out to the main room. Fun Ghoul and Agent Explorer were chatting together at the bar, and Crash/Queen and Kobra Kid were sitting across from each other at a booth.
"Hey guys. Where's Jet-Star?" I looked around, trying to find him.
"He left a while ago. He said he had somewhere to be." Kobra responded.
"Hm, know where he ran off to?" Poison asked as he sat down next to his brother.
"Nope." Kobra looked out the window.
"He never said." Crash/Queen looked at me as I sat down next to her.

While everyone was chatting, I started to daydream again. I went back into my head. I put my headphones in and started listening to the Sleeping with Sirens album 'Madness'. I soon fell asleep.


"Adrenaline. Wake up." Crash shook me awake.
"H-huh? How long was I out?" I looked around to see Kobra and Poison were still talking. I stood up.
"I'll be back, Shock Detonator and I are meeting up at her place. We're gonna hang out for a while. Be back later!" I said as I dashed out of the diner and towards the back roads to Shock's house.

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