Chapter 2

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Bella's pov
It was an early Monday morning in social studies and I'm always made fun of as usual. I really hate Monday because we never have art on Monday. As I got my social studies note book out a girl with short blonde hair passed me a note. "It's from Sandra." She said pointing to the girl with light brown hair with streaks of blue in it. I opened the note and read it over and over again. It read Bella I can't believe that you don't know this but Jason cheated on you and he's with me hee hee cuz I'm way prettier than you fag! "What how?" I mumbled to myself. I could here Sandra laughing at me. The tears were starting to come that's when the teacher asked me if I new the answer. "Bella? Do you know the answer?" She asked pointing to the board. "Um Europe?" I guessed. "No Bella um wait for me in the hallway." Mrs. Jefferson said looking down at the text book. The whole class roars with laughter. I could feel my face turning bright red. "Bella I know that you are going through some tough times but stay focused on schoo and since today is a half day I am sending you home to get some rest and study for your history test tomorrow." Mrs. Jefferson said rubbing my back. I went inside the class took my bag and went out in the parking lot and got into my Range Rover. I drove home tears streaming down my face. As soon as u got home I went to my room shut the door and called Cameron. "Hey bella why aren't you in school?" Cameron asked. "Oh um teacher sent me home cuz of some situations." I said nervously. "Bella what happened?" Cameron asked concerned. "I-I got a n-note from S-sandra that Jason cheated on me with her then she called be a fag." I stuttered tears cascading down my face. "Bella you know what I'm tired of this come live with me in LA I'm gonna pick you up at the airport and you leave in 3 days because you've been alone for too long and I need to keep an eye on you." Cameron said. "Move to LA in three days!!!" I shouted into the phone. "Bella please I hate knowing that you're alone please for me." He said in his sad pouty voice. "Okay okay fine just let me pack early so I can't get that out of the way and when I'm about to board the plane I'll call you." I said while running my hand through my hair. "Okay bye lil sis I love to so much." Cameron said. "Love you too bro bye." I said hanging up. Then I started packing and put everything from my drawers and closet I to my suitcase and put everything that's lighter in my carry on.


I was all ready to go and the airport was just about 15 minutes away so I just grabbed my carry on and suitcase and got a cab to take me. Once I got to the airport I suddenly became hungry. So I went to the coffe bean in the air port got myself a cookie and a caramel frappé. Once I was about to board the plane I called Cameron. "Hey Bella are you boarding the plane safely and remember don't talk to strangers ok?" Cameron said in a concerned voice. "Ugh Cameron I'm fine and I'll be in LA in 4 hours and it's like 2:00 am what are you still doing up?" I asked kind of snickering. "I'm watching a Marathon of Dance moms with my roommate ok don't judge I was bored." Cameron said innocently. "Hahahahaha omg ok ok I'm fine now and I didn't know you had a roommate." I said while I finished up my caramel frappé. "Well he's kinda like a Housemate cuz I wanted to get a house in LA and I met him and he said he'd help pay only if he could live there." Cameron said while yawning in between words. "Ok Cameron bye I love you so much and I have to go cuz I'm already in the plane." I said as I took my seat next to the window and set my carry on my lap. "Ok bye bella I love you too stay safe I'll be waiting at the airport." Cameron said before I hung up. So there I was Bella Dallas going to LA all alone...for now.

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