Chapter 16

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Bella's pov
I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock and rub my eyes. I glance over to the clock and saw that it red 6:25am. Just as I was about to go back to sleep I get a text from Hayes.
Hayes: I can't believe you cheated on me!!!
Hayes: Yes you did
Me:Do you have proof
Hayes: No but my sister sure does
Hayes: Ya and I can't believe you I think we need to take a break Bella
Me: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH whatever I knew this was gonna be like my last relationship.
I can't believe Alex did that to me. I say to my self. I put my unicorn slippers on and storm into Alex's room. "How could you tell your brother that I cheated on him." I said pulling the covers from her body. She shivers and then looks at me the way she did when I first me her, with anger, furiousness. "HOW COULD YOU TELL ME THAT ETHAN WAS CHEATING ON ME!!!!!!!" She screams her face turning red. "BECAUSE I SAW HIM HUGGING ANOTHER GIRL!!" I shriek back smacking my hand on the desk. "NO NO NO NO YOURE LIEING TO ME BECAUSE YOU WANT TO RUIN MY RELATIONSHIP AND YOUR JEALOUS THAT I HAVE A CUTE BOYFRIEND AND THAT YOU HAVE MY BROTHER!!!!" She shrieks her hands turning into fists. "YOU KNOW WHAT FINE IF YOUR TRYING TO RUIN MY LIFE THEN MAYBE WE SHOULDN'T BE BEST FRIENDS, CUZ YOUR JUST TO MEAN AND NEGATIVE AND GOTHIC FOR ME!!!" I yell knewing I just crossed the line. "BELLA YOU KNOW WHY IM LIKE THAT ANF I TOLD YOU NEVER TO MENTION IT AGAIN,GET OUT GET OUT!!! I HATE YOU GO!!!!" Alex shrieked tears streaming down her face. With that I left and ran into my room and started to cry uncontrollably.

A/N: hey guys I know I haven't updated in a long time I'm sorry and I know this chapter was super short this was just a filler chapter and be prepared for the next chapter to come!😱💀👌🏽

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