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(I do not own the song 'lost boy' by Ruth B it is all hers)

I smile putting my lyrics and piano notes on the piano. I start to play the piano slowly  to the beat I wrote and began to sing.

🎵There was a time when I was alone

Nowhere to go and no place to call home
My only friend was the man in the moon
And even sometimes he would go away, too

Then one night, as I closed my eyes
I saw a shadow flying high
He came to me with the sweetest smile
Told me he wanted to talk for awhile
He said, "Peter Pan-that's what they call me.
I promise that you'll never be lonely."
And ever since that day...

I am a lost boy from Neverland
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And when we're bored we play in the woods
Always on the run from Captain Hook
"Run, run, lost boy," they say to me.
Away from all of reality

Neverland is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free

He sprinkled me in pixie dust and told me to believe
Believe in him and believe in me
Together we will fly away in a cloud of green
To your beautiful destiny
As we soared above the town that never loved me
I realized I finally had a family
Soon enough we reached Neverland
Peacefully my feet hit the sand
And ever since that day...

I am a lost boy from Neverland
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And when we're bored we play in the woods
Always on the run from Captain Hook
"Run, run, lost boy," they say to me.
Away from all of reality

Neverland is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free

Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, Wendy Darling
Even Captain Hook
You are my perfect story book
Neverland, I love you so,
You are now my home sweet home
Forever a lost boy at last

And for always I will say...

I am a lost boy from Neverland
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And when we're bored we play in the woods
Always on the run from Captain Hook
"Run, run, lost boy," they say to me.
Away from all of reality

Neverland is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free🎵

I finish and put my head into my arms laying them on the piano making a slight noise. I start to cry knowing none of this shit would've happened if Elena didn't hand me to the demons. I wouldn't of met Peter. I wouldn't of been hunted. I wouldn't of met Nik or any of the Originals. None of these things would of happened. I stand up lifting my head feeling my eyes turn red as I keep my hands on the piano. I glare at nothing and everything erupts in flames that won't hurt them. I walk out of the room everything I pass turns into fire and I see Rebekah, Hayley, Nik, and Elijah walk out oftheir rooms confused. Hayley looks at me confused as I pass by her with a glare. At this type of thing I will not be able to be stopped Nik learned the hard way. I walk passed everyone and Rebekah tries to stop me but Elijah pulls her back as I glare at them. I walk down the steps and to the outside. I look around for a second and sense something in the woods. A human, I zoom into the woods making sure nothing turns to fire to scare the human or hurt the animals.

I latch my teeth into the humans neck making him scream in pain. He tries to fight but I just latch harder until I feel the last bit of blood hit my mouth and he went limp. I drop him and look to the sky calming down. I take deep breaths and start to dig so no one finds his body. I throw him into the hole and use my powers to move it onto his making it look normal. I feel arms wrap around my waist and I relax into his arms.

"What is wrong love?" Nik asks kissing my neck.

"Bad dream." I tell him half truthfully. He nods kissing me again.

"Tell me the truth later." He tells me with a fake glare on his face and I nod grabbing his hand. I look down as we walk back home. I hear everyone talking about me and I roll my eyes gripping Nik's hand tighter. He looks down at me and nods.

"Rebekah Elijah Hayley." Nik growls at them and they stop immediately.

"Niklaus." Elijah says looking at me with a strange look on his face.

"I am going back to bed." I whisper and start walking letting my hand slip from Nik's. Not long after I feel his hand gripping my hand and we walk up the steps back to our bedroom.

"They think I am a monster." I argue with Nik as we lay in bed.

"No they do not love. They still love you no matter what. They have just never seen you go through that like I have. " He soothes and brings me closer to him. He starts playing with my hair as I slowly drift to sleep. I wake to no one in the room so I walk down the stairs once again to see Nik and Elijah sitting opposite each other in the living room as each of them read their own book. Nik is reading "A Poison Tree" by William Blake, and Elijah is reading one of his mother's grimoires. A dead girl lays on the coffee table, her neck bleeding from puncture wounds in her neck. They are listening to classical music. I shrug and sit next to Nik as he smirks and looks at Elijah and then back at them body. He looks down at his book wrapping his arm around my shoulders and giving me a kiss on the cheek. After a few moment Rebekah walks and stares at Elijah then Nik and then the dead body on the table looking confused. She rolls her and eyes and looks at them.

"So, this is what you do the first time we're back together as a family? Vampire book club?" Rebekah asks getting annoyed."Reading edifies the mind, sister. Isn't that right, Elijah?" Nik smirks as he continues reading."Yes, that's quite right, Niklaus." Elijah answers him. "And what's this business?" She asks as she gestures to the dead girl on the table."This is a.....peace offering." He says pausing for a moment looking for a word before saying peace offering."I presumed, after so much time desiccating in a coffin, that my big brother might be a bit peckish." Nik sighs still reading. "And I explained to my little brother that forgiveness cannot be bought. I'd simply prefer to see a change in behavior that indicates contrition and personal growth." Elijah says clearly annoyed. Nik rolls his eyes guiltily, and Elijah gestures to the girl on the table."Not this nonsense." Elijah then says once more. ."Well, I couldn't very well let her go to waste, could I?" Nik grins and I smile trying not to laugh."Well, I suppose I'll go fetch the rubbish bin, because she's staining a two hundred-year-old carpet." Rebekah says walking out of the room. Elijah looks up from his book to see the girl bleeding out onto the table, where the blood drips onto the floor.

"Ah, yes." Elijah says and Nik holds my hand letting me listen to him read.

"I was angry with my friend: [Nik looks at Elijah] I told my wrath, my wrath did end. I was angry with my foe I told it not, my wrath did grow. And I watered it in fears, Night and morning with my tears; And I sunned it with smiles, And with soft deceitful wiles. And it grew both day and night, 'Til it bore an apple bright. And my foe beheld it shine. And he knew that it was mine. And into my garden stole When the night had veiled the pole; In the morning glad I see, My foe outstretched beneath the tree." He reads as Elijah stands up and leaves probably to go see Hayley who I just heard get up. My stomach now looks about like I was 5 months pregnant which I feel very much. Rebekah stomps into the room to clean up the mess. I smile at her and I turn to Nik taking his book.

"Hey." He fake glares at me and I smirk taking his hand and laying it on my belly. I feel the baby kick and he smiles giving me a kiss. He stands up and helps me up before leaving to do something. I look at Bekah confused and she shrugs. I walk into the kitchen to hear Elijah say something.

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