Got tagged

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Thanks prettylittleliargurl for tagging me.
Fact numero uno-
After years of reading fan fiction I have troubles reading/watching the actual thing

Fact numero dos-
I am so obsessed with GTAV

Fact numero tres-
I want to become a part of the Wisconsin national guard

Fact numero cuatro-
YouTube is my escape. If I'm angry or sad, vanoss or h2o delirious is my go to

Fact numero something-
Although I'm in Spanish II I know no Spanish.

Fact numero seis-
I really like my coworker but I'm too scared to talk to him.

Fact numero siete-
I can't handle people. I'm like the anti social of my friend group
UPDATE: that coworker I liked is now my fiancé and my best friend. ❤️
I tag

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