Chapter 1-Meet Sam

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"Sam get up!" A voice woke me from my dreams but I pushed it away. "Youre gonna be late for your first day of school!"

"Mmhndh" I mumbled something unintelligible into my pillow and tried to fall back asleep as I heard their footsteps growing fainter. Just as I was about to let the darkness consume me again, the footsteps grew closer and heavier, almost as if someone was runni-

I got caught off from my drowsy thoughts as my blankets were pulled down and something was thrown over me. It took a minute for my sleep deprived body to realize what just happened. Then my nerves turned cold and I jumped out of bed. I glared at my laughing idiot brother with a bucket in one hand as the other clutched his stomach.

"You threw cold water on me!" I yelled, pushing him on the floor

"Y-y-yup!" He said between laughs, standing up and calming his laughter into a small chuckle.

"Youre gonna pay, Jason" I warned, shoving him towards the door and giving one last final push so I could shut and lock it. I ran into my en suite and took a warm shower then changed into a pair of cut off jeans and a blue tank top that had the Patriot's logo on it and leaving my golden hair down.

I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen where my dad was making blueberry pancakes and bacon.

"Hey kiddo, have a nice wake up call?" He chuckled.

"Oh, fan-freaking-tastic." I replied dryly, grabbing two pancakes and some bacon before going to sit down with my mom. She too was laughing.

"Really mom, I thought you were supposed to be on my side!" I complained, drowning my pancakes in syrup.

"Well, I'm sitting TO your side..." She joked causing me to roll my eyes.

A few minutes later my older brother came down the stairs and got a huge plate of food, basically inhaling it. "Let's go twerp, before I make you walk"

"I can't wait for you to go to college" I said, swatting his arm and grabbing my backpack before I went outside and into my brothers car. I was sixteen and a half and Jay was 18. He was the quarter back for our schools football team, making both him, and sadly I, popular. I hate it. People just trying to be your friend and use you for the popularity. That's why I stick to my group of friends who happen to be the kids of my moms best friends. My brother loves the attention, although his best friend has always been Chandler, or Chad for short, his mom was also one of our mom's friends. We all grew up together.

"See you later Sam." My brother said as he quickly got out of his car and walked over to his friends. I followed suit and met up with Fel, Hazel, and Liam. I gave them all a hug and we traded schedules.

"We have Spanish, math, and gym together." Liam told me as he scanned the two pieces of paper.

"Uh, we have math and gym." Hazel confirmed with a nod of her head as she re-read it.

"Looks like we all have math and gym together. I have German with Hazel too and history with you." Felicity said, handing me back my schedule before there was a loud purr of a motorcycle pulling into the school.

All of a sudden everyone's conversations came to a halt, the space was filled with dead silence. I looked up at my friends to see them staring at something wide eyed behind me. I turned around and saw Jasper Quinn walking up the path to the school.

Explains the motorcycle, I thought, as I watched him ignore everyone's gazes. He should be able to, this happens all the time.

"This is pathetic." I muttered quietly to my friends, obviously not quiet enough because everyone turned to look at me and there were a few gasps. I rolled my eyes, then my gaze was locked with Jasper's, I was expecting to receive a peeved look, but instead saw amusement flashing in his eyes.

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