Chapter 13- Beaches and bittersweet kisses

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Hey guys! I updated as soon as I could. Enjoy!!!



I sat there for a minute, going over everything that happened just this morning.

I was attacked with flour.

I found out my best friend is furious at me.

I was kissed.

The last thought rang through my mind. I was kissed, by Jasper Quinn. He seemed so nervous and careful. Like he was afraid he would do something wrong and I'd get mad. The kiss was so gentle and soft. This might sound awfully cliche but it was the sweetest kiss I have ever had. And -dare I say it- I enjoyed it. Not only that but I found myself wanting his lips on mine again. My mouth tingled from where his was moments before.

Why was I feeling like this? The butterflies, tingling sensations, shivers. Could I possibly... like him? Did I, Samantha Greene, like Jasper Quinn? Just his name gave me goosebumps. I groaned out loud. I did, this was bad. But still, I couldn't just ignore it and hope for it to go away. That's what the other me would have done. The confusing person who was but really wasn't the me that I should be me. The point is, the person I am now won't do that.

With that confusing surge of confidence I stood up and went in my house to find Jasper. I walked into my living room where he was sitting running his hands through his hair. His soft, adorable brown hair. I shook my head and walked up stairs I couldn't do this right now. With that in thought I went to the kitchen and ate before going upstairs to sleep.


Over the next few days we didn't talk at all. We avoided each other at all costs. This wasn't helping my feelings towards him It was actually making them stronger. We had one day left of suspension and I couldn't wait to go back to school. I hated being cooped up in the house.

"Let's go to the beach." Jasper spoke suddenly. I jumped, not expecting him to say anything to me as he walked past.

"Why?" I asked as casually as I could through the butterflies raging in my stomach.

"To get out of the house, come on, Lora's at a friends."

"Fine." I sighed and walked out side to my truck. Jasper grabbed my arm, causing me to turn and look at him in question. I felt tingles where he touched. How cliche.

"We're not taking that," He smirked and turned me towards his motorcycle, "we're taking this." He then looked at me, expecting me to freak out or something. It was my turn to smirk as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Ok, let's go." I said, walking over to the left side of his bike. There was pure shock written on his face. What can I say, I grew up with my dad having a motorcycle. He lightly shook his head and handed me a helmet, his helmet. I shook my head and handed it back.

"Take it." He said. I shook my head 'no' again. He sighed and took it from me before placing on my head and buckling it.

"There, you need it more than me, you're more important." He spoke softly and for the second time I could see the real Jasper. As soon as it came it was gone, replaced with the arrogant smirking one. He mounted the bike with me following suite. He grabbed my arms and placed them around his waist, causing my breath to hitch slightly. This boy would be the death of me and he doesn't even know it.

The ride to the beach was about an hour but it was worth it. The scenery when you're on a motorcycle changes. Everything just becomes, better. Jasper pulled into a parking spot by the boardwalk and let me get off first. I unhooked the helmet and handed it to Jasper who was standing fairly close. He chuckled under his breath and ran his fingers through my hair lightly.

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