Chapter 18-Drunken questions

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MWAHAHAHA! I felt so evil last chapter because I left you at a horrible cliffhanger!! Hope you like this chapter (;



I was about to go after Jasper when Liam grabbed my arm,

"Don't, he's not worth it."

I spun around, "What do you mean 'he's not worth it'?" I asked incredulously.

"He's a loser." He said in a 'duh' tone.

I scoffed, "Really? If anyone's a loser here it's you! I can't believe you did that!"

"What, kiss you? Of course I would, I like you."

"Don't play that game with me Liam. I saw you give Jasper a look before you did it. You wanted him to see." I snapped.

"Yeah, because you're mine."

"No, I'm not! I don't like you like that Liam, I like Jasper!" I shouted.

Liam's face fell and I instantly regretted doing that.

"Look, Liam I-"

He put up his hand. stopping me. "No, don't, I think you've said enough." With that, he turned on his heel and left. I balled my hands up at my side. Just twenty minutes ago everything was fine, the only thing that wasn't was the fight between me and Liam. Well, it looks like that got a lot worse. I had no idea what to do about Jasper. I wanted to just run after him and tell him I don't have feelings for Liam, but I knew he needed to cool off.

Why was Jasper acting like this though? Sure, he knew I liked him but he never said he liked me back. I actually doubted he did, I mean, he kissed me and stuff but I think that was just on impulse. Even though it meant a lot to me I had a feeling it meant next to nothing for him.

Sighing, I decided to just go back to the house and take a hot shower to clear my mind.


I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me before going to my closet and picking out a pair of sweats and a tank top. I walked downstairs and put in a bag of popcorn before getting a glass of water.

"Sam?" A timid voice asked from behind, startling me.

I craned my neck to see Lora. I smiled gently at her, "Yes, princess?" I asked as I turned around fully.

"Why is my brother sad?" She asked innocently. I froze slightly as my eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't know." I replied quietly as I grabbed the popcorn out of the microwave.

She frowned and went into the living room as I walked back up the stairs.

I popped in one of my favorite movies, 'The Heat.' and sat cross legged on my bed, eating my weight in popcorn and ice cream.

About halfway through the movie I felt the enormous urge to pee. I paused the film and did my business before going back downstairs to get some chips. Seeing a note on the fridge I peeled it off and read over it.

Your father brother and I are taking Lora to the petting zoo. There's money on the table to order a pizza for dinner.

Love, mom

Great, so now it was just me and Jasper. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and took my chips up stairs. As I rounded the corner to my room I bumped into Jasper.

"Watch where you're going." He snapped and disappeared downstairs, a minute later I heard the front door slam shut.

"This should be fun." I muttered sarcastically before shoving a handful of chips in my mouth.


Around five I decided to order a pizza. Jasper still wasn't back and I figured my parents wouldn't be back until about eight if they went out to eat and everything. I ate three slices and set the rest in the fridge for whenever Jasper got home. Sitting around in the living room I ended up watching three hours worth of 'Doctor Who'

Hearing the door open,my head snapped to the right as my brother walked through carrying a sleeping Lora in his arms. He smiled at me and I nodded for him to go put her in my room.

"Hey sweetie." My dad said as he came into view, mom trailing behind him.

"Hi." I waved slightly

"Where's Jasper?" Mom asked.

"Oh, he went to a friends." I lied, although it could be true as I had no clue where he went.

"Okay, well me and your father are going to bed. Don't stay up too late."

I smiled, "I won't."

After they drowsily walked upstairs I decided to stay down here and wait for Jasper to get home.

As I started to fall asleep the front door slammed shut. I jumped up from the couch, rubbing my eyes as I walked to the door. My mouth fell open at the sight in front of me. Jasper was swaying from side to side and the stench of alcohol was very prominent.

"Jasper!" I hissed, catching his attention.

"Are you drunk?" I asked even though I already knew the answer. He giggled and my eyes widened,

"Yeah!" He said excitedly then frowned and pointed at me in accusation.

"You," He hiccuped, "you made me!" He slurred.

"What do you mean I made you?" I asked.

"You-you kissed him."

"Kissed who? Liam?"

He nodded and stumbled into the living room, collapsing on the couch. I sighed and grabbed a glass of water before following him.

"Here," I handed him the glass, "I didn't kiss him back."

Jasper's unfocused eyes looked at my curiously.

"Why? Don't you like him?"

"As a friend, that's it."

"Am I a loser?" He asked quietly.

"No." I answered without hesitation.

"Then why did my brother leave me?"

"I don't know."

"Will you leave me?" He asked seriously and I was surprised the change of mood.

"No, Jasper, I won't leave you."

"Do you- do you like me?" He mumbled almost incoherently as he started to close his eyes.

"I like you a lot." I whispered, but he was already asleep.


This chapter is ehhh. It's not what I planned originally but then again I never plan. All of these chapters I create on the spot, I don't draft or anything.

soooo thoughts? Jasper came home drunk, what's going to happen in the morning??

Dare... I dare you to...ask someone in a public restroom where the bathroom is.


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