Chapter 27: Dinner

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"Lora," I said, my eyes never leaving my brothers, "this is Tommy, your brother."


Jasper's POV

"But, you're my brother." Lora replied, confused. Her eyebrows scrunched together as she looked up at me.

"Yeah, I am," I said quietly before clearing my throat, "but he is too."

"Does that mean he's your brother too?" she asked innocently.

"No." I answered, just as Thomas said, "yes."

I looked at him and felt my eyes narrow.

"No." I bit back, more forceful. His eyes dropped to his feet and a frown took over his face.

I felt a pinch of regret but squished it before I had the chance to think any more of it. He's the one who left me, afterall. I had nothing to feel sorry about.

"Well, if you're my brother.." Lora started slowly, looking at Tom, "then why am I just meeting you?"

I bit my lip to refrain from saying anything smartass, and it seemed like Thomas caught me as he narrowed his eyes slightly before turning back to my- our, sister.

"I had to leave when you were really little, so you don't remember me." he state simply, like it was nothing.


"Why'd you have to leave?" Lora asked, both of us were know staring at Thomas expectantly.

"I, uh, I just did."

His answer made me roll my eyes., "she knows about how mom and dad are." I replied casually, not knowing how to word the fact that she knew her parents were drunks and like to abuse their kids.

"What?" he ground out through clenched teeth, "why the hell didn't you try to keep her away from all of that shit?!"

Now that, ladies and gentlemen, is what caused me to snap. "You don't fucking know a thing about what changed after you left. They got worse! You have no clue how hard I tried to keep her from it!"

Thomas laughed bitterly, "oh yeah, I'm sure you tried really hard."

"Stop it!" Lora cut in, surprisingly loud.

I looked at her, expecting tears in her eyes or something from how loud we had been yelling. Instead, I saw her glaring at Tom.

"Jasper protected me!" she defended firmly, crossing her arms. "don't be mean to him."

Thomas just looked at me, like it was my fault she was scolding him.

"I wasn't-" he started.

"Don't back talk me!" she hissed.

His eyes widdened slightly, I couldn't blame him, either. She looked scary, even for a little kid. I briefly wondered if this was how I looked when I got pissed off.


A couple of hours had passed since our little screaming match. Thomas was currently in the living room "catching up" with Lora, as if he actually ever knew her. I was in the kitchen with Sam who was on the phone with her mom, attempting to explain everything that had occurred in the past few hours. I tuned back into the conversation just as Sam was saying her goodbyes.

"Well?" I pressed once she slipped her phone back into her pocket.

"She says he can stay for dinner. Actually, she insisted he stays for dinner." 

I sighed in annoyance, there was no way I could deal sitting with him through an entire meal.

"I know, I know." Sam muttered in understanding, slowly rubbing my arm. I glanced down at her, she was so tiny compared to me. I absentmindedly pushed the hair out of her face and cupped her cheek, brushing over it with my thumb. She looked up and I was once again captivated by her eyes, just like the first day I saw her at the school. That seemed like so long ago.

"You okay?" She mumbled, her eyebrows scrunching in concern.

"Yeah," I grinned a little, "just thinking about how lucky I am." she blushed a little and told me to shut up, to which I laughed at and replied with, "make me." I sent a small wink her way and she rolled her eyes, chuckling slightly.


"Dinner smells great Mrs. Green." Thomas smiled as he came into the kitchen once Sam's mom started cooking.

Suck up.

"Thank you, Thomas." she replied half-heartedly, sensing the tension in the room. "Jasper, Sam, can you set the table please?" she spoke after a moment.

I nodded and walked with Sam to put the plates and silverware down on the dinning room table.

"This is going to be so awkward." she breathed and I hummed in agreement, even though the word 'awkward' didn't even begin to describe how awful this was going to be.

 It didn't take long for everybody to pile in and sit down. Mrs. Green placed a giant bowl of spaghetti on the table, encouraging everyone to dig in. I dished Lora out a plate before getting myself some, well aware of Thomas' eyes on me.

"So," Sam's dad started after an awkward minute or two, "you two are brothers?"

"Dad!" Sam hissed, glowering at her father.

"Yes." Tom supplied, ignoring Sam's protest.

I stared down at my plate, silently fuming.  

"Did you go off to college or something?"

"Yes sir, I have an associates degree in education."

"An associates degree? Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's only two years, yes?"

"Uh, yes?" Thomas answered, unaware of where the conversation was going.

"Well, from what I've been told, you've been gone a lot longer than two years. Do you have any idea what's been going on in that household?" Mr. Green asked angrily.

"It's been going on for a very long time, yes, I am aware."

"So you just left two kids to the mercy of a fu-"

"That's enough." Mrs. Green cut it, looking at her husband sternly, "now, apologize and eat your food before it gets cold."

"Sorry." her husband murmured, not sounding sorry at all.

"So, education, huh?" Sam's brother wondered aloud.

"Yeah," Thomas started excitingly, "I've always wanted to be a teacher."

I tuned out after that, not really caring about anything he was saying. I picked at my food and Sam must've noticed I wasn't really paying attention. I felt her hand reach over to mine and enveloped it, being calmed at the familar feel of her hand in mine.


This update is so, so late. I'm sorry!! It's not that long either but I wanted to post something for those of you waiting for an update. Love you guys!!


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