Chapter 4-Over it

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Well, here it is! Hope you like it! OH YA... it's early! woop two updates in a row!



***Jasper's POV***

As I walked out of Samantha's house I had a few thoughts running through my mind:

Im a fucking idiot for showing her that I'm not a jerk like she thinks.

She wasn't terrified of me, not sure if I should celebrate or bang my head against a cement wall.


My bike's at school, I'm here and too lazy to walk my ass down the road.

I sighed, the school was only like a twenty minute walk but face it, I'm a teenage guy. That just screams "Lazy!"  I mentally cursed myself for acting like suck a baby and walked the way leading to the school. The one thing I wanted to know is why.

Why did I do it?

I mean seriously, how idiotic am I? What if she told all of her friends or started a rumor that I'm a wuss.

For some reason, deep down I knew she wouldn't do that. This is the girl who lied saying she was getting a cannibal fish from her locker because she was embarrassed of going the wrong way to lunch. The same one who looks at me differently than anybody else at school ever has. Sure, there's still some level of fear from all of the rumors that are already being tossed around about me, but she doesn't look at me like everybody else. Every time I look into someone's eyes I can see that they think I'm a beast. Sam looks at me normally, like I'm normal and not a screw up. It felt good to have somebody look at me that way after such a long time.

Wow, maybe I am turning soft, what's next? Baking brownies?


I walked into my crummy house to see both my "parents" were in the living room drinking alcohol. Again. Thank god I brought Lora over to Miss Dee's this morning. Actually, I have been every morning. I internally sighed as I walked into my room and went down the fire escape to go next door. Knocking on the door I prayed Miss Dee would let Lora spend the night and not ask any questions. I hated pulling people into my problems.

She smiled as she opened the door. " Hey Jasper" she said kindly. "Would you like to come in?" She opened the door wider.

"I wish I could but my, uh parents are working and I gotta go somewhere. Can Lora sleep here?" I asked quickly.

She gave me a worried look but agreed. I thanked her about a million times before I ran back over to my driveway and jumped on my motorcycle. I cursed as I pulled out and sped away. I'd be lucky if I got there on time.

It looked like luck was on my side today though as I pulled up by the alley and locked my bike before I walked over to Gale.

"Man you're lucky!" Gale exclaimed as he ran up to me. I rolled my eyes. Gale was sort of my manager I guess you could say. He watched me fight once down here and offered to show me a few moves. After that we've been partners ever since and I haven't lost a match or bailed on one. I'm pretty good for a street fighter even if I do say so myself.

I got into the middle of the crowd where my opponent was. He looked to be about six foot three, 230 pounds. I was about six foot and 190 pounds. The difference between us wasn't our height though, it was his weight looked to be fat, mine was muscle. I gave him my signature smirk as the match started.

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