Chapter 12- Bread is my weapon, cake batter is my game

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Hey everyone! Could you do me a huge favor and check out my friend's books? She's a good writer but is struggling to gain reads. @LilLonelyBunny1146 With out further ado, KEEP CALM AND READ ON!



I woke up a few hours later. Looking around, I realized that I was in my bed. According to the clock on my bedside table it was 3:12a.m. I remembered falling asleep on the couch and it took a minute for my brain to realize that Jasper had to have carried me up here. My cheeks warmed slightly at that thought, I've always been self conscious but it got worse as me and Sasha stopped being friends. Not that we ever really were I guess. Sighing, I sat up and rubbed my hand down my face before standing up to go downstairs and get a drink.

As soon as I got into the kitchen I made a beeline to the cabinet and grabbed a glass before filling it up with tap water. I wasted no time gulping it down. Spinning around to go back upstairs I froze as I heard footsteps, I grabbed the closest thing to me, which just so happened to be... a loaf of bread. I quietly snuck to the edge of the entry door of the kitchen that leads into the hallway off of the staircase. As soon as the thief entered the kitchen, the weirdest noise came out of my throat. Now, I thought I'd have a pretty cool battle cry, right? Nope. The sound I created came out like a mix between a dying cat, a hamster that has asthma, and a choking potato. Let's just say, it's not pretty.

My 'warrior call' shocked the intruder as they let out a very feminine squeal and sharply turned around. I raised my almighty weapon and repeatedly hit them over the head with it, continuing with my battle cry as I did so. I heard a deep laugh and in a flash I was pinned up against the counter. I was about to scream but stopped myself as the sound of the laugh registered into my mind as I stared into deep green eyes that only Jasper could have. I instantly calmed down for a second before anger boiled inside of me. I started hitting him again.

"You idiot, I thought you were a burglar!" I whisper yelled, not wanting to wake up Lora. Jasper easily caught my wrists and pinned them above my head, so that they were against the cabinets. The loaf of bread fell out of my hands and landed on the counter beside me. His eyes slowly traveled from me, to the bread, to me again.

"That was your weapon?" He asked, amused.

I glared at him, "Yeah, it was." I said defensibly. He just shook his head and chuckled, causing my glare to turn even more deadly. Jasper leaned in towards my ear.

"You're cute when you're mad sweetheart."

His breath tickled my ear and I couldn't hold back a shiver. I could hear the arrogance dripping off of his tone as he spoke,

"Nice to know I effect you." He let go of my hands and I pushed him back slightly before sliding off of the cool granite top and slyly walking back up to my room. I swayed my hips more than necessary, knowing he was staring at my butt. I rolled my eyes. Boys.


I woke up and stretched, stealing a glance at my alarm clock again, I saw it was 10:12a.m. Well, if there's one good thing about suspension it would definitely be sleeping in. I got out of bed and went to take a shower. I grabbed a pair of cut off black jean shorts and a purple tank top to change into. After I showered and dressed I braided my hair to the side and brushed my teeth. I practically skipped down the stairs. Gosh, who knew extra sleep could make me so happy. It's like a rainbow took over my brain.

As I reached the kitchen my mouth watered. I could smell red velvet cake. I walked into the room and burst out laughing. There, in the middle of my kitchen, was Jasper. He was wearing my mom's purple floral apron and had flour smudged on his face. He spun around in surprise and glared at me but I couldn't stop laughing. By now I was doubled over and I reached the point of laughing so hard that no noise came out and I ended up clapping like a stupid seal. Before I knew what was happening, I had a packet of flour thrown at my face. I stood up from my previous position  -which was on the floor- in surprise. My mouth was agape and now, Jasper was the one that was laughing. I narrowed my eyes and picked up the bowl of batter before dumping it over his head. He immediately stopped laughing and just stared at me. Like he was beyond the point of glaring or yelling and just had that pissed off stare that just screamed 'revenge!'

 "Crap." I muttered, turning around and ran out of the kitchen towards my front door.

"You better run, Greene!" I heard him bellow behind me.

I forced my legs to move faster and practically flew out of my door and through my lawn. I risked a glance behind me and let out a scream as I saw he was about thirty feet away. I broke out into a full sprint and silently thanked my parents for the years of soccer camp they put me through. I ran down the street towards the closest house by me where one of my friends lived. I didn't think about who this person was or that we were in a fight. I didn't even process the fact that it was a school day and that he probably wasn't there. I just ran towards safety and as soon as I reached there house, I banged on the door.

A sleepy looking Liam answered and his eyes widened  in surprise. Before he got to ask what I was doing there or I got to ask why he wasn't at school,I jumped behind him, using him as a shield in case Jasper popped up anywhere. I felt his muscles tense and he shook me off.

"What are you doing here?" He asked then glared at me as I didn't answer.

 "Well?" He snapped.

I tried to cover up my hurt expression but I knew he saw it as his face softened some. He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off.

"I don't know," I said quietly, "bye." I brushed past him and walked back to my house. I heard him calling after me and picked up my pace, ignoring him.

 I reached my front lawn when suddenly I was tackled to the ground. I shrieked as I fell over onto my back. Jasper took no time at all to place himself on top of me, straddling my waist. I forgot all about Liam as I looked up into Jasper's eyes. He smirked at me, a mischievous glint in his gaze. Then, he started tickling me.

"St-top!" I screamed, trying to push him off of me. He stopped.

"Then say I'm a sexy beast." He ordered, trying to keep a straight face but failing.

"No." I said stubbornly. He smiled and shook his head.

"You asked for it." He chuckled as his fingers started their assault on my sides again.

"Say it!" He yelled over my yelling.

"FINE!" I shouted. He stopped again.

"You're a sexy beast." I muttered.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you." He teased. I sighed.

"You, Jasper Quinn, are a sexy beast." I said clearly. He gave me a genuine smile and laughed lightly. A drop of water fell from his hair and landed at the corned of my mouth. I realized he must of took a shower when I was running for my life. His eyes followed the drop of water as it dripped to my lips. He stopped laughing and brought his hand up, using his thumb to gently wipe away the droplet from my lips. His gaze flickered from my lips to my eyes as he brushed a piece of hair that fell out of braid behind my ear. I gulped and bit my bottom lip nervously, drawing his attention to my lips again. He leaned in closer, I could feel his cool breath fanning over my lips. He kept leaning forwards and I felt my eyes close on their own accord.

His lips brushed against mine lightly, almost as if he was teasing me. He gently but firmly pressed his lips against mine. I froze for a second then kissed him back. The kiss was timid and his lips were soft. Suddenly, he pulled away.

"I-I can't." He whispered, scrambling up. He gave me one last glance before rushing inside.



I'm not sure if I like this chapter or not... it feels kinda crappy to me...



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