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(3rd pers. Pov)

You were startled and tried to respond,

"I don't kno-" 

you dropped your plate as you were violently shoved against a nearby wall by a powerful force. Loki pressed himself against your body with a frantic expression. You were blushing madly as you felt him all too close for comfort.

"What the hell?" You whispered, but he only responded by placing a finger on his lips.

The door exploded into a million shards, debris scattered all over the hall, hitting Loki. You screamed and saw him wince.
"Damn." He hissed, but he didn't budge. 

Then an ear-splitting sound filled the room. You couldn't bear it and flung your hands over your ears. The raven haired god pressed your head against his chest to block out the sound. You didn't care who held you as long as they protected you, and Loki was doing just that. You shut your eyes and prayed a collective prayer to any god you could think of, that not surprisingly included Loki, that this wasn't happening. 

Then everything went silent. The sound was gone, but so was everything else, you could only hear the ragged breathing of the man standing in front of you. Well, actually, you felt it on your shoulders as he was still very close to your. You felt your entire face heat up as you realized it. He must have noticed as well as you felt his body tense and his breath hitch. He swiftly pressed you back against the wall and looked around the room.

 All the gods that were previously dancing and singing were now sprawled on the floor unconscious. You saw some of them slowly trying to get up over Loki's shoulder. The gods that we're eating at the buffet only a few feet away from the two of you, were struggling to pick themselves off the ground. Their expressions were those of confusion and shock.

 Odin burst through the door, with Frigga and Thor not two steps behind him. His face immediately changed from shock to anger as he turned around to face Loki. As quick as lightening the god pushed himself away from you and faced his enraged father. 

Before he could say anything, two guards seized him by his arms and dragged him towards the door as Odin spoke, "Loki Odinsson, you are accused of attempted assassination on the royal family, conspiracy against your own state, and damage to the castle." Loki looked at his father pleadingly but Odin continued coolly, "You are hereby sentenced to trial in front of the entire high council, the date of your hearing will be debated."

Loki couldn't speak as he was pulled further and further away from you. With one last glance at you he was forced through the now hollow door. 

You were left standing there, alone, shell-shocked, wondering;

What the hell just happened?

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