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(OOH look! I see a change in the POV's! 3rd person POV now ladies and gents)


Loki closed the doors behind him and stopped. This Midgardian girl intrigued him and was stranger than anything he had ever encountered. Her presence here was most unusual and the only explanation was that Odin brought her to Asgard. He spun on his heel and went to the main hall his cape trailing behind him, his lips formed a  mischievous smirk. His first trick of the day had succeeded.

He walked into the large hall with a strut and, to his great amusement, just in time to see Thor being groomed by a muse.

"What is the occasion for pampering brother?", he sniggered.

Thor sighed in annoyance and gestured towards the balcony. Loki skipped (this is a metaphor, I'm not about to make the god of mischief a pink studded fairy princess for goodness sakes, I'm speaking of a happy, brisk walk -.-) towards the open space and peered onto the great street beneath them that led to the entrance of the castle.

He saw an immense crowd of people filling the street to the brim, trying to shuffle in through the gates.

The raven haired god's happiness sank in a heartbeat. He had completely forgotten about his brother's coronation because of the strange girl's appearance in his bedroom.

And this was supposed to be such a promising day. He sighed.

He turned back to his brother and faked a smile, perfect as it were.

"Well two surprises in one day, this is nice.", he said with a grin plastered on his face wherein only his eyes could betray the disappointment.

Thor's confusion to his sibling's comment was evident.

"What do you mean brother?", he said in a curious tone.

"Oh the first surprise was the human girl lying on my bed in the morning." Loki stated blankly.

Thor's eyes widened with a mix of shock and interest. He jerked his head so unexpectedly that the red haired muse dropped her comb and brush, swearing under her breath.

"A midgardian female?! ... Here? In Asgard? ", The blonde kept saying in disbelief.

"Yes, here."

"Are you sure? Allfather would never- "

"Yes I'm sure."

Thor was still shaking his head, jaw dropped.

"Listen, you get yourself all cleaned up and I'll go ask Odin about her. Just be a good boy and don't follow, we already have enough half-wits in that throne room as it is", Loki said mockingly.

The blonde let out an angry huff towards Loki and a small - ouch! - as the muse pulled on his hair for the hundredth time.

"Yes you do that! Get her and all of us in trouble for nothing!", Thor cried after him.

"Good doggie!" Loki prompted strolling out of the hall and into the corridors with his back turned to Thor.

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