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Numb fingers.

Cold skin.

Puffs of hot air leaving her slightly parted lips.

She's been wandering the snowy field for minutes, maybe hours- who knows. Her mittens have frozen from the challenging process of building a snowman, who's nose didn't even resemble a proper carrot like the movie she'd watched the previous day.

This was stupid, why does she always have to play outside?

She walks towards a small white hill, with on top of it a bench. Her favourite red bench. It's a good bench that has helped her sit out some of the worst lonely autumns and the best sunny summers.

She sits down and sighs, looking at her shoes. She really likes these boots, her mom bought them for her yesterday, and she loved the way they allowed her to jump around in the snow without angering anyone, or getting her favourite socks wet. She stares at her pretty feet until she notices someone next to her.

A boy. Not a normal boy. He is like no boy she's ever seen. He has pale skin, raven hair, and green eyes. Also, he has clothes that her mom would never let her wear.

She stops swinging her feet back and forth and her mouth falls open. Much to her surprise, so does his. He looks frightened, as if he doesn't know she was right next to him. But he must have known, she didn't, but that doesn't give him the right to be surprised. That's her job.

"Hi." She mutters, blinking at the strange pretty boy.

"Hello." He answers rigidly and wide-eyed. Why is he so adult like? His accent isn't like hers. He sounds like a grown up and she doesn't like it.

"What's your name?" She asks, not wanting to scare him off.

"Loki, yours?"

She gives her name and shakes her head in confusion.

"Where did you come from, Loki?"

"I might ask you the same question." He says slowly. She doesn't like this attitude he has.

"I'm not the one who sneaked up next to me on my bench." She retorts. He furrows his eyebrows and cocks his head to the side.

"I didn't sneak up on anyone. You are the one who appeared out of nowhere-" He looks up and down at her, making her feel a bit uncomfortable. His eyes seem mean,

"Why are you wearing such strange clothing?"

That's it. She huffs and jumps up from the seat, landing in a tuft of snow.

"My mom bought me these beautiful shoes." She says with a raised voice and stomps off, away from the very pretty boy who came out of nowhere.

He is annoying. He seems older too. That must be it. Older boys are the worst. She suddenly feels a hand on her wrist, stopping her in her tracks, pulling her backwards. Her mitten falls to the ground and the cold air hits her number fingertips. But that's not what makes her let out a small squeal. It's the hand holding hers.

It's blue.

Everything spun around me as I clung on to the only thing I could feel, the arms around me. I heard a muffled voice somewhere in the distance and tried to make out what the hell it was.

Everything was so fuzzy and confusing, but I felt safe. The voice became louder and I did my utmost to keep it at bay, wanting to stay in the safety just a little longer, dizzy or not. Finally the voice became unbearable and I made out a single word.

My name.

My eyes flew open and were met by something black.

Great. I died. Oh wait- it's moving. No, it's... breathing?

I looked up and saw I was resting on someone's chest. The black that obscured my vision was his leather suit. Death suddenly seemed much more tempting. I flung myself off of him and almost back flipped away before finding out I was on a bed, aaand consequently falling off of said bed.

Of course.

I looked up from my compromised position, to find a pair of green eyes looking down at me with a bemused glint.

"Welcome back to the land of the living." Loki chuckled as he sat up on his sheets.

He had his regular clothing and his hair was ruffled, messy almost, as if he'd slept. Wait... Wait.

"Yes, I slept, but not with you, what I might be regretting." He spoke with a smirk, reading my thoughts again.

My eyes widened and I pursed my lips, a blush creeping to my cheeks.

"What the hell happened? Why was I sleeping? In your room? In your bed? On top of you?!" I suddenly gushed out, looking down at myself to make sure I was still fully clothed and in one piece; to my relief I was.

Not to his.. wOW no stop. Don't go there.

"You and I were asleep due to teleportation. It's exhausting. In my room? Because it's where I decided to transport us. My bed? Well you can sleep on the floor if you prefer, but I thought it'd be smarter to be a gentleman and give you a soft rest at the very least."

I frowned and went over his words again. None of it made sense to me, I'd ask him later.

"Oh yes, very gentleman-like, placing me on yourself." I seethed. He wasn't going to get away with this.

"I didn't place you. You climbed."

Correction: I wasn't going to get away with this. I blinked a few times before my blush became unbearable, and I covered my face with my palms.

"Oh my god-"

"Don't worry, you were dreaming, I didn't want to wake you." He cut me off before I could say anything else, but all of that didn't matter anymore.

The dream.

Now I remembered it. All of it. It felt so real. Not like a dream at all, more like a memory. But I had never encountered a boy like that in my past, so it made no sense. It must have been my brain's interpretation of the last day.
I shook my head and pulled my legs towards my chest, hugging my knees. Loki smiled condescendingly and leaned on his elbows, significantly diminishing the, until now, rather comfortable distance between us, making me tense up.

"What was the dream about?"


In Time (Loki x reader) Where stories live. Discover now