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It had been two days since Loki had reappeared in a pool of his own blood.
I looked at him, still unconscious in his bed, his face still and nearly serene (if it weren't for the large gash across the right side of his face).
He had been cleaned up by the healers after his collapse and, still unconscious, changed into fresh robes. His hair however was, as always, dishevelled- his black curls resting softly on the pillow.
I had been coming to check in on him as often as I could and, against my better judgement, had spoken to him hoping he would hear me.

"So", I started, biting my lip, "still not waking up huh?"

Loki's face didn't budge. His chest rising and falling slowly was the only indicator that he was still alive.
I looked at his hand which was resting lifelessly on the sheets of his massive bed. It looked soft, I thought, before reaching out to touch his fingers. But before I could, there was a knock on the door.
I quickly retracted my hand and spun around on my chair. It was Freya accompanied by another girl, who seemed to (theoretically) be about my age. She was wearing a long blue gown that complimented her short black curls and golden brown skin.

"Hello dove, are you alright?", Freya asked softly, sitting down in the chair next to me and putting a hand on my shoulder. I wasn't sure how to answer that question.

No? I'm not alright?
How could I be alright?
What did he mean by surprise?
What happened?
Where did he go?
What did he do?
Why did this have to happen to him?
Did he get himself in this trouble?
Was this because of me?
Is he going to be okay?
Am I? Is this because I lov-

"I'm fine", I answered with a weak smile, "just worried is all."

She gave me a sympathetic smile and looked up at the second girl that had come in with her.

"This is Eir, she wants to help", she said encouragingly. The girl looked at me and I instantly felt better, calmer, and almost happy. I smiled at her and looked away quickly, her eyes were deep enough for me to get lost in them if I wasn't careful.

"This must be very difficult, but know that we're here to guide you", Eir said softly and added, "this isn't your fault."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and realised for the first time that I had been feeling a little guilty about Loki.
I remembered what I said to him, his face when I'd done so, and then he showed up barely alive.

So much blood...

My eyes teared up at the thought, but I forced them away before either of the goddesses noticed.
Eir came closer and pressed her lips against my forehead, like a mother would. I suddenly felt overwhelmed with emotion and closed my eyes, thinking of my family.
I missed them so much.
I'd nearly forgotten where I was because of Loki's reappearance. I did want to go back but, for some inappropriate and completely absurd reason, he was my absolute priority right now.
He couldn't die, not now. Not when I finally felt like the void I had in my life was being filled.

I won't let him die, even if it kills me.

When Eir pulled away finally, my cheeks were wet and my mind was dizzy. Her expression was compassionate as she backed away and out of the room. I sat there, a little stunned.

What just happened?

Freya offered me a silk handkerchief with a sympathetic smile.

"Eir is, in Midgardian folklore, the goddess of healing", she nodded towards the door.

"Ah", I said with realisation as I dried my face, "that explains it."

Freya sighed and her face fell for a moment as her eyes landed on Loki. She looked sorrowful and even a little disappointed. She turned back to me, her face serious.

"I've seen Loki pull a number of stupid stunts before", she gave a heartless laugh, "but this tops them all."

I was a little confused, no one actually knew what had happened to Loki, or if they did they didn't tell me.

"I'm sorry but I can't be the one to tell you where he went and why, that's on him", she said glancing at his face meaningfully, "just know that you must mean a lot to him, because I've never seen him in this state."

I wasn't sure what to make of that, but I felt a butterfly or two appear in my stomach.
Freya then stood up and asked me whether I needed anything, to which I replied that I was fine. I couldn't eat or drink anything due to the anxiety anyway. She then walked towards the doors and, with one last look at Loki, left the room.
I let out a sigh and turned around to face Loki.

"You know", I started without thinking, "you're a serious dick.

"I can't believe you just crashed into my life the moment I woke up in this place, made yourself my one source of comfort when I was terrified, told me we were somehow connected by fate, and then left the second things got difficult."

I had stood up, shaking with rage, voice raised, and tears spilling over from my eyes, but I continued in the whirlwind of emotion that had come over me.

"But no, you couldn't just stop there. No. You just had to come back after I was convinced you had abandoned me and was FINALLY getting over it all, and FUCKING SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME!", I screamed at the still motionless Loki.

"And oh, surprise", I gritted my teeth, tears blurring my vision, "you just had to be fucking... You."

I collapsed on the side of the bed and slouched, covering my face in my hands. I cried for a while in silence, feeling only utter despair.

Is this all a joke to you Loki?

"I'm sorry."

You better be.

My stomach lurched.

Wait- what?

My head whipped around to look at Loki. He had propped himself up on his arms and was staring at me.
My heart skipped a beat when our eyes met, and I could sense his did too.

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