Idiots. Idiots Everywhere.

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I snapped out of my trance and burst through the crumbling archway, a million questions running through my head, and a million more I wanted to propel at Loki. I turned the corner of the hall but found they had disappeared.
Loki better have a fucking good explanation for this what just happened. I didn't know why I was so affected by this anyways, it's not like I trusted him, I barely knew him, and I didn't have any feelings for him.. right?
I shook my head and returned to the hall, worried for the other gods that unluckily weren't pressed up against a wall during the explosion. When I walked back inside everyone froze. The people who had been dusting their gowns and hair off from the rubble turned to face me, as well as all those who sat silently in the corners of the room. I slowed my pace as I felt the countless pairs of eyes on my small frightened soul. I expected them to be furious or disgusted with my presence, but somehow all I could read from their faces was compassion- empathy, almost. They looked at me as if I were a child who's balloon had just been blown into the sky by an unexpected gust of wind. Frankly, it annoyed me. I wasn't a child who deserved pity for interacting with a manipulative asshole, I was a child who deserved praise for putting up with a manipulative asshole for a full evening. I cleared my throat weakly and let my pissed offness be seen by all those around. Huffing, I resumed by pace and walked over to a seemingly confused bearded god. The crowd started their soft murmuring again as I got closer to the doe eyed man.
"Hi. I'm sorry to bother you after all that just happened, but I need answers, from whoever is willing to give them to me." I spoke firmly, however letting a softer more pleading tone seep into my words. He looked at me and gave a sad smile folding his hands in his lap as he replied.
"I understand why, I really do, but I must disappoint you. We know no more than you do at the time, except for maybe one thing." My face shifted to a more hopeful expression as he said those words, fists clenching at my sides uncomfortably.
"We know never to get close to the god of mischief and trickery. I don't know what he told you, but you mustn't trust him- no matter what. I'm so sorry for you my child.." He finished, sighing. My palms were aching as my nails almost punctured my skin at the force with which I tightened my fists. The hope had been replaced by a deep-seated feeling of anger, pain, and above all- annoyance. "Fine. If you crinkled old raisins won't give me the answers I need, I'll go find Loki myself." I huffed, my brain making up the strangest excuses for insults it could manage, as I stormed off through the hole in the wall, ignoring the crowd's stares and the several "come back!"'s and "what are you doing!"'s that were shouted, including by the man I had previously spoken to.
Loki, I don't give a single damn about your health, your happiness, your safety- though you better not be hurt or I'll cut a bitc- no, just-


You better have a mind-blowingly amazing explanation for this.

I walked at a fast pace. Not just any fast pace, no no. This was my I'm-so-frustrated-I-could-kill-anyone-who-gets-in-my-way pace. My eyes shot daggers at every passer-by, guard or not, and my arms were stiff at my sides, hands still balled into fists. I turned a few corners and arrived at his chambers and burst through the door. It was empty. I sighed, nodding to myself.
Of course he's gonna be held somewhere else than his room. I paused, and looked around the room. Eh, might as well check his stuff.
I shrugged and proceeded to looking around. The room was lit differently than I remembered, not so dark anymore, instead now it was lit by two chandeliers on the ceiling. The room was beautiful, the decorations much more ornate than I remembered.
It really does fit him... I hope he's okay... Wait- what?! No no no.
I gave myself a few mental slaps and shook my head.
You don't know him. You've never seen him before. You've never met him. Why would you care for him? You don't know Loki.
I paused and looked at the bed, frowning.
Shaking my head violently again, I left the room as quickly as I could.
What am I on about? There must be something in the alien air making my mind go fuzzy.
I walked down the corridor, slightly less tense than before, but still furious at the situation I was put in. I turned a sharp corner and stumbled into a figure, hitting my head against his chest.
"Ow.. damn it." I groaned, rubbing my forehead.
"You know.. it's indecent for a lady to swear." The voice above me rumbled. I looked up, ready to drop bombs on the asshole who called me a lady, but stopped.
Oh come on
Of all the citizens of the city of the gods, the man I just had to bump into was Thor. Thor Odinson. The fucking blacksmith of the sky himself. What a joke.
"I'm not a lady. I can say what I want. And where is your brother." I spoke almost demandingly, this may or may not have been the best move. The god stiffened and scowled, eyebrows furrowing.
"You dare speak that way to a god, a woman like you?" Okay that's it.
"Excuse me?!" God of thunder or not you are going down.
"I dare speak whatever the fuck I want to whoever the fuck I want. I'm not just a woman, I'm a human woman, who will not be treated like some goddamn peasant. God, man, animal, no one has the right to stop me from speaking freely. And if you even try to stop me, I will make you and your playboy of a brother wish you were never born." I seethed with rage and realised I had walked the taller man into the wall and had gotten to his eye height by standing on my toes. His eyes were wide and his mouth agape, no sound coming out. "If you won't help me, fine, but I will find your little brother and I'll teach him what it means to be screwed over." I spun on my heel and stormed further down the hall, pace back to it's original annoyed speed, leaving the thunder god shocked and dumbfounded.
I swear to god. If I come across one more stuck up, narrow-minded, old-fashioned, asshole of a deity today, I will-
I froze. Swallowing hard I backed away rapidly. So rapidly in fact, that I hit my back against something solid. Something that hadn't been there before.

"You wanted an explanation, I'll give one, but right now.."

The solid thing behind me wrapped two arms around my waist and chest, pulling me backwards, closer, and a pair of lips brushed my ear.

"Don't. Move."

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