Chapter 1

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Nina's POV:

I've always had a pretty miserable life, my mother died from an overdose on drugs when I was just a child, and now I live with my abusive father. He really only cares about 3 things; himself, money, and drugs. I was just a mistake he had made 16 years ago. He's always made it more then clear he didn't care about me. Now, he's going on a 'business trip' and leaving me with some distant friends of him whom I've never met before. Usually he just lets me stay by myself, but this time he's not letting me.

I brush my long blonde hair a couple of times, before tying it into a ponytail. I usually like to wear it down, but I have cheer practice, then I have swim practice. I don't really like cheer that much, but to be popular you have to do a lot of things that you don't like. Swim, now that's my real passion. I live for swim. I don't know what I would do without it. I put on my red and white cheer outfit, and look at myself in the mirror. Cheerleaders at my school, always have to look perfect. I start to put some more things in my bag, to bring to wherever I'm going, I still have no clue.


I hear my father yell from downstairs. I hurry up and finish packing my things, I don't want to make him angry. Lets just say, it's not very good when he's angry. I grab my bag and rush downstairs. He was already waiting in the car. After I lock up, I put my bag in the back and get in. After about 10 minutes, I break the awkward silence in the car.

"So where am I going?" I ask him softly.

"You'll see when we get there."

"Have I met these people before?"

"Nina, just shut up before you make me angry."

And after that, I knew not to ask anymore questions. Maybe staying at this place wouldn't be so bad. I just wish I could stay by myself though. I don't need a babysitter. I've been on my own for weeks at a time when he's been gone. I don't even know how long we're going to be gone. I look out the window at all the houses we passed. I wondered what type of people lived there and wondered if they have a better life then I do. I sighed as we pulled up to a little house. It looked like it was from a magazine. It was a white house, with a red door. It also had a white picket fence out front with a huge garden.

Before I got out of the car, my father gripped my arm. "I know you wont cause any problems, because you know what will happen if you do." He ran his fingers through his long brown hair, before getting out. I sighed again and grabbed my bag from the back, and got out.

Before we even ring on the doorbell, a women walks out. She looks like she's in her late 30's or early 40's. She's about average weight, and she has curly long blonde hair. She has rosy cheeks, and seems like a very warm person compared to my father.

"Barbra! It's so nice to see you." I could hear the fakeness in my fathers voice. He's never nice. I wonder how they even know each other.

"John! It's nice to see you too. It's been so long." she said as they exchanged a quick hug. My father has never been much of a hugger, I don't even remember him ever hugging me once.

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