Chapter 2

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Taylor's POV:


Ugh, I can't believe my mother allowed her to stay with us. Her friends make my life a living hell. I've never actually talked to her before though. She probably doesn't even know who I am. When I'm not getting harassed, I'm pretty much invisible. I only have 2 friends. Danny and Sarah. I trust them with my life and can tell them anything. We know everything about each other.

Danny is tall, slender, and has brown short curly hair. He has beautiful brown eyes. I like them better then mine... And well he's gay. I've known him since I was in first grade, and I love him to death.

Sarah, she's really amazing. She has medium length brown curly hair, is about average and weight, and pretty short. I'm at least 3 inches taller then her, maybe more. She has brown eyes. I've known her since I was in fourth grade. She was a new student, and well we just clicked.

But seriously? Out of all the people to stay at my house it's Nina Summers. I never ever thought the day would come when she would even speak to me, and now she's staying at my house for who knows how long?

At least she's being nice to me, and we have a similar taste in music. I've never really met someone who likes the same bands as me. It's shocking that I have something in common with the school's queen bee. I bet her life is perfect, and she doesn't have one worry in the world.

And what was with her staring at me? She couldn't keep her eyes off me. She was probably just thinking about how much of a freak I am, or how much she hates the fact that she has to stay with me.

I leave my room, and go into our living room. My mom is in the kitchen cooking dinner.

"I'm making chicken and potatoes, your favorite."

Here's my mom, trying to make me feel better for forcing me to share a room with Nina. I don't hate her, I just don't like her friends, and she's probably exactly like them.

"Are you sure miss queen bee will like that? Oh my god! That chicken probably has so many calories!"

"Taylor, be nice. I'm doing her father a favor."

My mother gave me one of her glares, which instantly made me feel bad. Her friends were mean to me? So why couldn't I be mean to her? Just because she's temporarily staying with me doesn't mean we're going to become best friends, or even friends for that matter.

"How long is she staying with us anyways?" I asked her.

"I don't know sweetie." she answered as she washed a pot out.

"Why is she even staying with us? Out of all the people in the world mom..."

"Taylor, I've known her father for a very long time. I was best friends with her mother before she passed away. I know her father, and I know he's not going on a business trip. She doesn't have the best home life, so when John asked if she could stay with us I said yes. I'd do anything to help."

That's surprising, knowing that miss queen bee doesn't have the perfect home life like I suspected. She always seems so happy at school, I didn't even know her mother passed away. But yes, my mother would do anything to help someone. She always gives homeless people money, she volunteers at the soup kitchen, she donates all of our old stuff to charity, she even brought a homeless man to our house one Christmas.

It's always just been me and my mom, I've never met any of my other family. I don't really know much about them. I've never even met my father. My mom said he left us when I was very young, like at the age of 2.

"How did she die?" I found myself asking.

"Look sweetie, I really don't want to get into the subject."

Ugh, I wanted to find out more information. I don't know why. Nina's life just kind of intrigues me. I don't know why, but I can't get my mind off of her. No matter what I try and think about, I keep wondering back to her.

"Why are you so interested anyways?" My mother questioned me.

"Well she is staying with us. I should know some stuff about her. She could be a serial killer for all we know!"

"Then try talking to her. I'm sure she feels the exact same way about her. This probably isn't easy for her either Taylor."

I frowned. "Why can't you just tell me?"

"I don't want you saying anything to Nina or anyone else. It's not an easy subject for her, or me for that matter."

"I wont. I promise."

"Karen, her mother, overdosed on heroin when Nina was just a baby. She was probably around 13 months. Her father was addicted too, I really hope he's gotten help for it. Her parents were never married, but I know Karen's death was very hard on John. I don't think he's every fully recovered." She frowned.

"Wow.." was all I could say.

I could never imagine Nina, of all people, went through something like this. I felt bad for making fun of her earlier. She doesn't seem too bad, I guess I was just juding her based on her friends. I guess I'll give her a chance, I hope I don't regret this decision. The only people I have ever trusted in my life are my mother, Danny, and Sarah.

"Dinner will be ready soon. Do you think she's done with cheer practice by now?" My mother asked me.

"Yeah, probably. But she told me she was going to swim for a bit after. She said she has a meet or something soon and needs to get prepared for it."

"Well do you think you can go get her?"

Great, it's a Saturday and I have to go to the one place I hate the most, school.

"Yeah... I guess."

I got up and started to walk towards school. Fortunately I didn't live that far away, so it was only about a 10 minute walk.

When I got there, I walked to the pool and sure enough she was there. She was wearing a black bikini, and she had a really nice body. The bikini top showed a lot, and I couldn't help but stare.

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