Chapter 7

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Nina's POV:

Words couldn't even describe how much I hated waking up early, and going to school. The only class I actually like is gym. The only thing I look forward to is swim practice, but recently that's changed. I now look forward to two things. Taylor, and swim.

I'm not going to lie, these last few days with Taylor have been the best days of my life. I can't describe to you how safe she makes me feel. I've never opened up to anyone before, but lately I've found myself opening up to her more and more each second. I can't stress enough the fact that people always leave, but I really don't know what I will do if she ever leaves...

After a shower, I got ready for school. I was kind of in a lazy mood, so I just put on a red sweatshirt which read 'Kings' on it. It was our school sweatshirt, which obviously makes the name of our school, King High. And our mascot was a king. Very original, I know. I threw on some blue jeans and put on my black vans. After that, I did my makeup and hair. I just left my hair down today, just the way I like it.

Taylor and I were going to walk to school together again, but she was still in the shower. I on the other hand was ready early, so I had a few minutes to think. Okay, let me try to focus on something other then Taylor in the shower. My feelings for Taylor. Ahh yes, those feelings were very strong, and it scares me. I wonder if she feels the same way. I think she does, but it's very hard to read a teenage girls emotions sometimes. You have no idea how bad I just want to kiss her. It's painful not being able to kiss her. I think it's too soon, and I don't know if she even wants that. Okay, who cares if it's too soon? My feelings for her are very strong, and I've only known her for a couple of days. She's the closest I've ever been to someone.

While I was in the process of having some very deep thoughts, I heard the shower go off, and a few minutes later Taylor came out. She looked very nice today, she always does. For once she wasn't wearing one of her band shirts though. She was wearing a black and white plaid shirt, and some black jeans.

"You look hot." I smirked.

Aww, there she goes blushing again.

"Thanks, so do you. You always do..."

I couldn't help but smile at that. This girl, always makes me have a smile on my face. Which is very unusual, considering I'm not usually a happy person. Despite what everyone usually thinks.

We said bye to Barbra, and started our walk to school. When we got there, I gave her a long tight hug and we went our separate ways. I assume she went to go find Danny and Sarah, and I went to go hang out with my group.

Usually when my 'friends' talk, I just ignore them. I could care less that Ana just got her nails done, or that Oliver and Jenna finally slept together. I wonder why I still hang out with these people. I want to go hang out with Taylor, but I don't want to intrude on her time with her friends.

Finally the bell rang, and I was saved from the despair of my friends going on and on about some party they went to last weekend.

First period I had history. I didn't actually mind that class too much. It was kind of interesting. The only thing I hated about it was the work load. Me + work = not a good combination. I actually don't do a lot of class work, or homework in any class. That's probably why my grades aren't so good. Me and school, excuse me school and I, well we don't really mix well together. We don't get along. I don't like it, and it doesn't like me. Like I said previously, the only part I like about school is the athletic parts.

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