Chapter 19

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Nina's POV:

When I wake up this morning, my head is killing me. Every little noise I hear is like amplified in my head ten times louder. I've never been drunk before, last night was my first time. I take it that this is a hangover.

I'm still laying in bed, when Taylor comes in carrying a tray. "I made you breakfast." She smiles at me.

I sit up and rub my head. "I'm not really hungry."

She frowns. "Well at least drink this." She hands me a cup of coffee.

I grab the steaming cup of coffee, and take a sip.

"How did you sleep?" She asks me.

"Good." I reply.

"That's good..."

"Ugh my head is killing me." I complain.

She leans over and kisses my head. "My poor baby. Do you want some Advil or anything?"


She gets up, and returns shortly with two Advil. I take them, and hope that they will help with this killer headache.

"Maybe tonight we can have a movie night? Just me and you." She smiles.

"Can't. I'm going to a party."

"A party?"

"Yeah. This guy I met last night invited me."

"Oh." She frowned.

"Yeah. Anyways I'm going to go take a shower." I get out of bed, and walk towards the bathroom.

After my shower, I just put on some lazy comfortable clothes. Sweats and a hoodie. My party isn't until later so I can just lay around the house all day.

Taylor was sitting down on her bed, so I sit down on the floor and lean my back against her bed. She moves down, and sits next to me.

"Well maybe we can spend some time together now?" She smiles.

"I don't know Taylor. Maybe later. I'm kind of tired right now." I move up to her bed and close my eyes.

"Nina..." She says softly.

"What?" I ask not even bothering to open my eyes.

"Never mind..."


I drift off to sleep, and wake up a little while later. I get up, and walk out into the living room. Taylor is sitting there watching TV. I go into the kitchen, and grab a water bottle.

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