Chapter 14

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Taylor's POV:

When I wake up this morning, I kiss Nina's head before getting out of bed. I try to get out of bed as quietly and gently as possible. I don't want to wake her. She looks like an angel when she's sleeping. We have school again today, and I just wish that I could lie in bed with Nina all day. That would be amazing.

After my shower, I get ready. Nina was still asleep. I decide to be her alarm this morning.

"Time to get up sleepy head." I whisper, before bending down to kiss her neck.

She was laying on her side. "5 more minutes." She mumbles.

I kiss her neck again.

She rolls over, and opens her eyes. "Fine, fine. I'm up."

I lean in and kiss her lips.

"You should be my alarm every morning." She giggles, before kissing me.

After she showers, she comes out wearing a hot pink shirt, and some short shorts. Damn, she looks sexy. For once, I actually wasn't wearing like all black. I was wearing a red shirt, and some black skinny jeans.

"Wow. How come I've never seen those shorts before?" I smirk.

"Hmm I don't know. You like?" She smirks as well.

"I love. You look so sexy." I walk over to her, and wrap my arms around her waist before kissing her.

"As do you." She smiles, before pressing her lips against mine.

We head off to school, and go to our usual spot. Danny and Sarah were there, but left shortly to go to Sarah's locker. It was just Nina and me, which was more then fine with me.

She sits on my lap, and I wrap my arms around her. She puts her hands on my face, before leaning in to kiss me deeply.

Every time she kisses me, it doesn't matter if it's a short or long one, I feel fireworks. I feel the spark. It's so amazing kissing her.

We just sit there for awhile, our lips interlocked with each others.

Sadly, the bell rings. I walk her to first period this morning, before heading to my class. Time goes by slow as usual. It always does when I'm away from Nina. I always miss her so much...

Finally it's 5th period, lunch. I meet Nina at the table, Sarah and Danny are already there too.

Nina and I were in the middle of talking, when Ana comes up to us. She was alone. I'm surprised one of her minions isn't with her.

Nina turns to her, and gives her like a death glare. "Can I help you?"

"Aww. You guys make such a cute couple." She directed that comment towards Nina and me.

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