Chapter 22

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Taylor's POV:

I tried calling Nina over like a hundred times yesterday. When I woke up, I tried calling her again. Still no answer.

Yesterday was like our first fight... I just hope she's okay. I know she's going through a lot, and getting kicked off the swim team and fighting with me was the last thing she needed.

After a shower, and after I'm done getting ready, I walk to school. I meet Sarah and Danny, but Nina isn't there. She's probably not even going to come today...

"Have you guys seen Nina?" I ask them.

They both shake their heads, and I frown.

I need to see her, I need to make sure she's alright. I want to make up from this stupid fight.

"Can I borrow your car? I just really need to see her..." I ask Danny, and he nods.

He hands me the keys, and before he can even say anything I'm off.

I go out to the parking lot, and find his truck. I get in, and start driving to Nina's house.

When I get there, I get out and ring on the doorbell. No answer. I try knocking a few times, but still no answer.

"Nina! It's me... Please open up!" I ring the doorbell again.

Still no answer...

I reach under the mat, and grab the spare key. I unlock the door, and go inside.

"Nina... I know you don't want to talk to me but I want to fix this..."

I look in the kitchen, she's not in there. I look in her room, she's not in there. I make my way to the bathroom, and open the door.

That's when I see her body lying there... There's blood everywhere.

"Nina..." I feel like I'm going to be sick.

"NINA!" I find myself screaming.

The tears start to roll down my face. I bend down, and put my fingers to her neck. She's still alive, but I don't know for how much longer. I grab a towel, and wrap it around her wrist. I hold it there, while I take out my phone and call 911. I tell them what happened, and that I need an ambulance.

I still hold the towel around her wrist, and hold her in my arms. "Nina..." I sob. I can barely even talk I'm crying so hard. "Please... Please don't die... Just hang in there." I kiss her head.

If she dies... I'm going to die... She's my everything. She's my world. She's the reason I want to be alive and without her I'd be nothing.

"Nina please... Just you can't die... We still have so much to live for. What about our future together? We're going to get married and have our honeymoon in England and we're going to be really happy. So you can't die Nina..." I hold her closer to me.

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