Chapter 13

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Nina's POV:

I woke up in Taylor's arms. She was still asleep. It was so nice waking up in her arms again, you have no idea. I've really missed it. Apart from seeing Taylor, yesterday really sucked. I didn't get to talk to Taylor all day. The other night, my dad threw my phone against the wall and it broke. Great, another thing I have to replace.

I can't tell Taylor what really happened... I love my dad... And I think that somewhere deep down inside he loves me too. In the sixteen years I've been alive, he hasn't once told me that he loves me. When I watch movies/TV, I see how amazing some of these kids fathers are. It makes me wish I had a father like that... But sadly life isn't fiction, it's reality. I can't choose how my father acts.

Before I could continue my thoughts, Taylor's alarm goes off. Today is Monday, and we have school. She turns it off, and rubs her eyes.

"Morning sleeping beauty." I giggle before leaning in to kiss her.

She kisses me back. "Morning babe."

"You look so adorable with your bed hair." I giggle again.

"Shut up! I do not have bed hair!" She stuck her tongue out at me.

"Alright." I smirk. "If that's what you want to believe."

"I don't." She pouted.

"It's so cute when you pout." I lean over and kiss her again.

She blushes. "I haven't even been awake for 5 minutes yet, and already I'm blushing."

"I guess I'm just that amazing." I smirk.

"Yes, yes you are." She kisses me, and I kiss her back.

She goes to take a shower, and I sit on her bed and watch the news while I wait for her to finish. When she gets out, she comes out dressed in a black v-neck band t-shirt, and some skinny jeans.

"How many band t-shirts do you have? Each time you wear one it's a different one." I ask her.

"Hmm... Too many to even remember." She smiles.

I get up, and walk over to her. "As usual you look hot today." I kiss her, before heading to take a shower.

When I get out, she's doing her makeup and hair. "I don't have anything to wear." I was just standing there in a towel.

She turns towards me. "Oh god Nina... You look so sexy in a towel, just saying." She smirks. "I still have your hoodie, if you want to wear that."

I blush and smile. "Well it's your hoodie now, but can I borrow it?"

She nods, and goes looking through her closet to find the hoodie. Once she finds it, I put on that and some blue skinny jeans.

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