Chapter 6

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Taylor's POV:

This weekend was beyond no doubt, the best weekend of my life. But then school had to come along, and ruin it. We both got up at 6 am, and I got in the shower. After I was done, she got in. I really wanted to peek, but knowing my luck I would get caught again. I decided to wear one of my usual band t-shirts. I picked out an Escape the fate shirt, and some black skinny jeans. I also wore my usual black converse. Most of the t-shirts I have are band shirts. I guess that's just part of my style.

When Nina got out of the shower, she was wearing a white v-neck shirt, and some blue skinny jeans. Even when she was wearing something so simple, she looked so attractive. She looked attractive in anything. And I bet she looked even more attractive when she was wearing nothing. But yeah I never said that shhh.

After we were both done getting ready, we walked to school together. Once we got there, we both went our separate ways.

She went to go hang out with her group, and I went to go hang out with Sarah and Danny. We met at our usual spot, but I was just tuning out their conversation. I had too much on my mind. I was wondering if Nina would just act like she didn't know me, or if she would actually acknowledge me.

"You like her don't you?" Sarah asked me, interrupting my train of thought.

That question surprised me, and I wasn't really sure about the answer. Okay screw that, yes I was sure about the answer. I did like her, a lot. I've never liked someone before, so this is all new to me.

"Who?" I ask her casually, but I already knew who she meant.

"Don't play stupid. Nina..."

Danny and Sarah were both staring at me, waiting for my answer.

"So what if I do...?"

"Then you should go after her... It's obvious she likes you." Danny grinned.

"She does not. You guys are just trying to make me feel better." I frowned.

"Taylor, she held your hand. Do I ever hold your hand? Does Danny ever hold your hand? No. Did she? Yes. Do we flirt with you? No. Does she? Yes." Sarah rolled her eyes.

Sarah always had a way of being blunt with things. She was never afraid to speak the truth, even if that meant that it would hurt someones feelings.

Before I could even respond to that, the bell rang. It was time for first period, and I had art.

We were suppose to be drawing a landscape, but I couldn't focus. I kept doodling 'N' and 'N+T' all over my paper.

The bell rang for second period, and I shoved the paper in my backpack and left. Second period I had biology, third I had history, and fourth I had math. Finally it was 5th period, and time for lunch.

I met Sarah and Danny at our usual table inside of the cafeteria. We've sat at the same table since freshman year, and we're juniors now. We met there every day at lunch.

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