Chapter 17

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Nina's POV:

When I woke up this morning, I was next to Taylor. We were both still naked... Last night was without a doubt the best night of my life. We had sex but it's more then that to me... We made love.

Taylor's alarm goes off, and she turns it off. She rolls over, so we're now facing each other. I love going to bed with her, and I love waking up to her.

"Morning gorgeous." She smiles and moves a piece of my hair out of my face.

"Morning sexy." I smirk at her before leaning in to kiss her.

"Nina..." She whispers. "I... I love you."

What did she just say? I'm pretty sure I heard it wrong.

"You love me?" Was all I managed to get out.

"Yes... Very much."

My girlfriend loves me! This is starting off to be a wonderful day.

"I love you too Taylor." I lean in and kiss her again.

She has no idea how much those words mean to me. I've never heard them before. No one has ever loved me before... But she loves me and I love her.

I get out of bed, exposing my body to her. "I'm going to go take a shower."

"Don't use all the hot water like you usually do." She jokes.

"Well aren't you coming in with me? I mean we need to conserve water right?"

She bites her lip. "You're totally right."

She knows it drives me crazy when she bites her lip.

I walk into the bathroom and start the shower. I get in, and a few minutes later Taylor comes in.

I press her up against the wall in the shower, and slide my hands all over that sexy body of hers as I kiss her deeply. The hot water splashes against us as I move my lips down to her neck and kiss it softly. I move my hands up to her boobs, and grip them tightly as I sink my teeth into her. She moans as I move my lips from her neck, to her right boob. I use my talented tongue on her nipple, before biting down on it softly. I sure do love biting, and I know she loves it do. I'm very talented at making her feel good. I switch rapidly from one nipple to the other, enjoying the sounds of every moan that came out of her mouth.

I kiss and run my tongue down her body slowly, teasing her. She squirmed and bit her lip as I continued to tease her.

"Nina, please just fuck me already." She begs me. Hearing Taylor talk like that, was definitely a major turn on for me. It's quite a difference from the shy unconfident girl I first met.

"Your wish is my command." I respond.

I move my mouth down to exactly where she wants it to be, and I slide my tongue slowly inside of her. She moans loudly as she feels my tongue begin to move inside of her.

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