Chapter 25 (the end)

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Nina's POV:

My life has really turned around. Therapy has actually been really good for me. Things are going great. I don't have the need to drink, do drugs, or cut anymore.

My home life is great too. Barbra is so sweet and nice. She treats me like I'm her daughter. She is like a mother to me. She's everything a mother should be.

As for school, Taylor has really been a big help. She's helped me get my grades up. If it weren't for her, I don't think I would have even passed the school year. Next year, I'm going to go out for swim again. I'm also going to try harder in school.

My social life is pretty great too. I have an amazing beautiful girlfriend, and two very amazing friends. I've started to really get close to Sarah and Danny. As for my old 'friends' I don't even bother with them anymore.

Taylor and I are amazing. We couldn't be better actually. I know I hurt her a lot, but I'm never going to do that again. Everyday, I try to make up for all the pain that I've caused her. I'm always going to be open with her, and I'm always going to trust her. She's the love of my life... She's my soul mate. She literally saved my life... In more ways then one. I'm going to marry that girl someday, and we're going to have a wonderful future together.

This morning, I decided to attempt to make Taylor breakfast. Usually she's the one that cooks for me, but she's my princess and a princess deserves someone to cook for her.

I googled "how to make french toast" and I'm trying to follow the directions. Like I've said before, I suck at cooking. Fortunately, I haven't burned down the house yet.

While I'm in the process of cooking, I hear Taylor's voice. It startles me a bit.

"Who are you and what did you do with my Nina?" She teases.

I turn around and glare at her. "Very funny. So this is the thanks I get for doing something sweet for my girl?"

She walks over to me and wraps her arms around my neck before leaning in to kiss me. I push her against the counter, and slide my tongue into her mouth. Things were getting pretty hot.

"You know I'm not gone yet." We hear Barbra say.

I break the kiss, and Taylor giggles. "Umm sorry mom..."

She smiles. "I'll be home from work late tonight. You two be good." She left for work, and we now have the house to ourselves.

After I finish cooking, I sit down with Taylor and we eat breakfast together.

"This tastes like shit." I say after taking a bite.

"No it doesn't. It's amazing." She grins at me before taking another bite.

Honestly, it tastes disgusting. She's only eating it to be nice.

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