Chapter 21

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Nina's POV:

I wake up to Taylor's alarm this morning. She's in my arms. I know I've been a total bitch to her since my dad died... But last night was just so amazing. It was the best I've felt in awhile.

I kiss her shoulder, before kissing her neck, and then her ear. My body is pressed up against hers. I guess the correct term would be, we're spooning.

"Morning love." I whisper softly in her ear.

"Morning babe." She giggles. "I've really missed you... And I've missed this."

I hold her tighter against me. "I've missed this too as well... And you of course too. I'm sorry for being such a bitch..."

"You weren't being a bitch... You were just acting umm out of control?"

"And I'm sorry... So sorry..."

"Don't be. You have nothing to be sorry for. I just want you to be okay Nina."

"I think I'm getting there..."

"Good." She kisses my hand. "Hmm should we go shower now?"

"You mean both of us together?"

"Duh." She giggles.

We go take our shower together, and afterwards we get ready for school. I have my big swim meet coming up this weekend, and I'm so excited. I haven't swam much lately, but I'm still going to be kick ass.

It's kind of cold outside today, so I put on a pink hoodie and some skinny jeans. I can't really wear short sleeve shirts for awhile anyways... I don't want anyone to see my cuts. That would just be another reason for people to talk about me. I know it's stupid to do... But it just helps me feel. It makes me feel good I guess.

Taylor puts on one of her band t-shirts of course, and wears some black skinny jeans.

I go up behind her, and wrap my arms around her. "You're so sexy. You know that?" I kiss her cheek.

"No I don't know that. I know that you're super sexy though." She giggles.

After we finish getting ready, we walk to school together. I hold her hand the whole way there. Even when we meet Sarah and Danny at our spot, I still don't let go. I don't want to let go.

I sit down on the stands, and pull Taylor onto my lap.

"Aww are the lovebirds okay now?" Sarah smirks.

I look at Taylor and she smiles at me. "We're more then okay, we're great." She presses her lips against mine.

I kiss her back. "Yes, yes we are. I love you so much Taylor Hastings." I kiss her again.

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