Chapter 20

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Taylor's POV:

Well in a week lets just say that things have gone from bad to worse. Nina's behavior is out of control. She's never sober anymore. She's either drunk, high, or both. I think that I've lost her for good. I just want my Nina back... She doesn't even come home most nights, and if she does it's at late hours in the morning. She doesn't go to school anymore... But today is Monday and I've convinced her to go today.

I'm already awake by the time my alarm goes off. Nina isn't though. I feel her moving, and I know that she's waking up.

I get up and go shower. When I'm done, I put on a band t-shirt, and some black skinny jeans. My usual outfit.

When I walk out of the bathroom, Nina is on my bed. I see pills in her hand, and I know she's about to take them.

I walk over to her and frown. "Please... Please don't." I beg.

"Why not?"

"You know why not Nina..."

She swallows one pill, before swallowing another.

Yeah, she's popping pills now. I don't even know what other drugs she's been doing.

"Do you want one?" She extends her arm to hand me one.

"No..." I notice cuts on her arm. "Nina... What's that?"

I grab her arm, but she pulls away. "Nothing."

"Umm that's not nothing..." I frown.

"Tina scratched me."

"Nina I'm not stupid..."

"I'm gonna go take a shower." She gets up, and kisses my cheek before going into the bathroom.

On top of the drugs and drinking, she's now been cutting herself... I just want to help her...

When she's done showering, she's wearing a long sleeved shirt, and some jeans.

"Nina..." I was still frowning.

"Yes?" She was in the process of doing her makeup.

"I know those weren't from Tina..."

"Sure they were."

After she's done with her makeup, she moves on to doing her hair.

I drop the subject for now, but when we start walking to school I bring it up again.

"Why would you do that to yourself...?" I ask her.

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