Chapter 3

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Nina's POV:

Cheerleading practice was horrible. Coach made us run at least 3 miles, and I'm not a big fan of running. I couldn't wait until it was over. After cheer practice, I went into the locker room and got changed into a black bikini. I really liked this bikini, and looked really hot in it. I snuck into the pool, and was finally where I belonged.

After I swam for a bit, I popped my head out of the water and was startled to see Taylor standing there. I noticed her eyes were on my chest, and I smirked.

"I didn't mean to s-scare you. I'm really sorry." She stuttered nervously managing to get her eyes off my chest.

"Don't worry about it, it's fine." I reassure her.

I had a really good idea, and once I get an idea in my head I usually just go with it, but I wasn't so sure. I pondered the idea in my head before going with it.

"Come here." I couldn't keep the smirk off my face

Taylor walked a little bit closer to the edge. "What? It's time for dinner and we better not be late... My mom will get sooo mad."

"This will only take a second. I just need to show you something." I was trying to hold back my giggles.

"What is it?" She said moving to the edge.

I pulled her in

She popped her head out from the water and splashed me

"I cannot believe you just did that." I could tell she was trying not to smirk

"Oh really now?" I splashed her a few times

"You're soo lucky I didn't have my iPod with me, otherwise I would have killed you." she couldn't keep the smirk off her face any longer.

Before I could even respond to that, she splashed me again a couple of times.

"Oh.. Now it's on."

I splashed her a few times before she swam away, I chased after her and caught up to her in a matter of seconds. See, there's a lot of advantages to being a swimmer.

I grabbed her waist from behind and giggled

"You didn't think you'd get away that easy did you?"

"Well actually I kinda did... You're a cheater! It's not fair that you're a swimmer." she pouted.

Her pout was unbelievably adorable. It gave me butterflies. No one had ever given me butterflies before, but she does.

"Are we going to stay like this forever?" She asked

I guess I must have been zoning out, I didn't even realize my hands were still on her waist. A part of me didn't want to let her go, but I did.

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