Chapter Twenty Nine

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I couldn't remember being this angry in my entire short life. Not when I was practically forced to come here, not when they toyed with Ender's and my own life after they took our monitors, not even when my mother tried to keep me away from Ender, after she discovered my new friend was being recruited into the I.F.

No I had never been as angry as I was right now, but I had also never been as scared. I didn't know what I feared exactly. Bonzo? His wrath? Him actually being angry with me like he was with Ender? Or loosing the friendship of a boy who could be so good, had it not been for this damn place.

Too quickly, I came upon Bonzo's quarters. I walked slowly up to the door and raised my hand to knock. Was I ready to face him? It didn't matter, I couldn't turn back now. I knocked hard on his door and waited. And waited. Finally a quiet, but commanding still, voice called out.

"Enter." The door slid open and there he was, handsome as ever, and eyes as hard and cold as ever. Bonzo was standing by his desk, as if he was waiting for me. So he had ordered the attack on Ender. I didn't even need to ask.

"Did you tell them not to touch me?" I wasn't yelling. I didn't need to. But I couldn't keep the hurt and anger out of my voice.

"The boys who tried to hurt you have been dealt with." He sidestepped my question.
"That's not what I asked. Did. You. Order. Them. Not. To. Touch. Me?"

"You weren't supposed to be there." He answered calmly. I scoffed and laughed sarcastically.
"Oh sorry, is that supposed to make up for the fact that you orchestrated an attack on my friend?"
"It had to happen." He said simply.
"No it didn't! If you got over yourself for one minute, then it wouldn't have happened. And what about me, huh? Am I a threat now too?"

"They weren't supposed to touch you, I told you I dealt with them." He was getting angry now, but I didn't care.
"Why? Why weren't they supposed to touch me? Why would you think for one second that I wouldn't have tried to defend Ender?"
"Because they were supposed to do it before you got there!" I stared at Bonzo shocked. We both knew he'd done it, but I didn't think he'd actually admit to it.

"Did you think I wouldn't find out it was you? That I'd just come here crying and ask you to protect me? That I'd be too stupid to know you had set it all up!" My voice got louder and angrier as I went on, and by the end I had tears streaming down my face. Bonzo actually looked guilty and stepped toward me.

"C'mon Bonita I-" he reached out for me but I just stepped back. I shook my head at him and didn't bother to wipe my tears.
"Don't call me that! And stay away from me! I don't want anything to do with you anymore!" I screamed at him and ran out the door, back to my barracks. I didn't care what happened to Bonzo, but I knew I didn't want to be apart of it.

If only I knew what was going to happen, I might have acted differently.


So short I know, but I already have the next chapter half written!

I've been on and off vacations and didn't get any comments so I honestly forgot.

So please vote! And comment! I love feedback of any kind :)

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