Chapter Thirty Eight

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I hadn't been nervous before a battle, since my very first with Bonzo and Ender. I didn't have a reason to be nervous of course. My army was trained superbly by Virlomi, and they adapted well to my teachings. I was even kind of excited for the battle.

"Cam Carby won't know what hit him!"
"He'll know." I turned towards Alai and smiled lightly. We stopped in front of the battle room. Just as the rest of my army came up the gate disappeared, reveling the dim Battleroom.
"Let's catch some sailors boys." We all laughed at the joke and got ready to dominate Rabbit army.


The battle was quick, no more than 10 minuets. Carby had gotten better since I had battled him alongside Ender, but he misunderstood me. Carby thought my battle style would be like Ender's, and so he developed strategies and formations to try and combat it. Only I didn't fight like Ender. I was good, close to Ender's abilities; I knew how he thought, why he thought that way, and what he was trying to accomplish. But Ender and I did not fight the same.

The entire Siren army was cheering and laughing as we jogged back to the barracks.
"Alright boys! You did good. Lunch is in an hour, and I expect everyone of you to be showered before you eat or go 0to the game room." There was some mild grumbling that Alai shot right down. "Hey, hey, I don't care if you all think your minimal testosterone levels give you a pass not to bathe! I don't want to smell you all and I certainly don't want you stinking up the entire school. Am I clear?" I stared them down waiting for someone to argue with me.

"Yes sir!" I smiled and beckoned Alai to follow me out.

"Am I keeping you Alai?"
"When a goddess calls, men come." I rolled my eyes and smiled teasingly,
"I wasn't aware a man had followed you." Alai glared for a few seconds before we cracked up laughing.
"What is it you needed?"

We were almost to my commanders quarters now. "I just won my first battle." Alai nodded.
"You'll be eating in the Commander's mess now." I bit my lip as we came to my door. The door opened silently and we stepped inside.

"I should be happy. I'll be seeing Ender... And Bonzo has cooled down to me." Alai sat on my bed as I gathered my towel and uniform to wear after my shower.
"But you're nervous. Are you worried things will still be distant between you two?" I sighed and sat beside him.
"It's just... Being apart from him. We've never been apart like this and he's changing. The adults keep screwing with him and I can tell it's changing him. I'm scared of what will happen to him without me there."

"It's not your job to protect him Tori."
"It is Alai."


My curly hair was still damp from my shower and I could feel it dripping onto the back of my uniform as I walked down the corridor. Teachers gave me dirty looks as I passed, but they didn't comment on my uniform violation. Finally I had come to the commanders mess. I could hear conversations inside, but they all stopped as soon as I came through the door.

I bit my lip, suddenly nervous, but refused to turn my head down. Ender had told me that no one had clapped for him when he first entered, like they usually did, and that only Dink, Carby, and a few others even congratulated him. The sound of clapping brought me out of my thoughts and I was shocked to see both Bonzo and Ender standing and clapping for me. Soon the other commanders followed suit and cheered for me and my first victory. I smiled and nodded towards Bonzo, who gave me a half smile and mouthed 'good job Bonita'. Boys patted me on my back and cheered me as I walked towards Ender. I finally lost my composure during the last 15 feet and ran at him. I threw my arms around Ender and he spun me around, laughing. We came to a stop and I kept my arms around him.

"Congratulations Tori." He mummered softly in my ear. I sighed happily.
"I missed you Ender." A voice interrupted us.

"I heard you whipped Carby's emossin' ass." Dink called as he walked up to us. I left go of Ender, blushing lightly. I had forgotten where I was for a second. "You did good Miss America."
"I just got lucky." I was still blushing, and I felt Ender grab my hand to comfort me.

"Don't listen to her. She whoop me good!" Cam Carby came up and held out his hand for me to shake. I shook it firmly before stepping back into Ender's side. "I thought she'd be like Ender, you know? Real dow in the battle room, but she crazy! She the goddess of destruction!"

"I hope you don't say that to all us girls." Petra walked up, the Phoenix on her uniform bright. She nodded towards me, her way of saying good job. "They talking about your battle cry too."

"Battle cry? Tori you're a goddess not a barbarian." Dink laughed and messed up my hair. I scowled at him and tried to straighten my curls to no avail. Ender chuckled and turned me towards him. I looked up at him as he smoothed down my curls. I peered up at him through my lashes. He had grown taller since I'd been away from him. I came out of my stupor to the others still discussing me and my battle.

"Nah, she told her boys, "let's go catch some sailors," before she obliterated Rabbit." Petra recounted.

"What's that? Why would she tell em that?" William Bee, commander of Griffin Army, questioned nearby.
"Don't you know about the Siren mythology?" Cam asked him. Bee shrugged.
"I don't do so good in history." He grinned. Cam rolled his eyes and huffed.

"The Siren is a beautiful creature, who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and voices to shipwreck. Most myths depict them as mermaids." Cam nodded to the Siren on my uniform.

"Well it definitely fits her." They all laughed and I started to pout. I felt an arm go around my shoulder and pull me into their chest. I looked up at Ender, blushing at his sudden acts of affection, but he was listening to the conversation. I breathed in his scent that I had missed so much and laid my head on his shoulder. I missed the glare Bonzo had directed towards us.


Hey guys! I know this took forever, but I just finished finals for my five classes and I'm done with my first semester of college :)

I have the next chapter written so give me some feedback so I can update!

Thank you HavenSnowMalfoy and @jaydonlondon for commenting!

Comment and vote before I update ❤️

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