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"What are you doing here?" I ask her.
"Im sorry baby. I still love you." A tear falls down her cheek.
"I don't. I dont love you Amanda"
"Yes you do! We can just forget it all..right now. Im sorry castiel"
"Sorry isnt goung to fix it! Sorry womt change the fact uou slept with my uncle. Okay?! I don't love you anymore" i scream at her.
"Just pl-"
"Get out" i say.
"Im sor-"
"No get out!" She stumbles out the door. I lock the dokr snd go into my bedroom. I pull a button up and a pair of nice jeans with a tie. I take a lomg shower and shave. Am i really going on a date with Dean? I laugh to myself as i grt dresses. I put product in my hair and then wait.


"Am i allowed to call this a date or is this just pizza getting?" Dean asks.
"Im sorry i panicked plus i didnt think you would want sam to hear the truth-"i slept with your bestfriend twice and now were going on a date-'"
"True but we have to tell him sometime we cant just be like 10 years from now having a secret wedding" dean looks at me with his green eyes.
"You..you want to marry me?" I ask almost speechless.
"..yeah? When i date somebody i date them because i see myself in them for years and i dont know you just seem like the one" his voice fades softly.i look at him and study his face.
"I dont want to hide" i almost yell.
"What?" Dean asks looking up at me.
"I want people to know im dating you. I want sam to know i want everybody to know that i want you" a smile grows on his face.
"We're so stupid!" He laughs turning around. Our plan was to go out of town. We pull into the parking lot of a nice restaurant. We get out at the same time and start walking when our hamds brush. I reach for his and pull it to mine holding it. I remeber my first date with Amanda i tried holding her hand and she got mad. I look at dean and he looks down at me. "Im so nervous" he says.
"I agree" i chuckle. We walk in and sit at a table near the back.
"Tomarow you should come over so we can tell sam?"
"Brunch?" I ask
"We'll pick you up at..9"
"I will be ready" his smile is bright. Like hes an angel and hes mine. My personal angel. He starts to talk to me like we are bestfriends. Is this what dating a guy is like? Where they treat you amazing. They share food they joke. Not all angry and talking about themselves?
"Remeber that one time you got so drunk you tried to go to bed in the kitchen sink?" He laughs.
"I don't remember" i chuckle at how happy he is.
"So it started out as just a couple beers then sammy qas like 'lets get super wasted tonight' and you were already pretty drunk so you begged me to make my special drink so i did and you chugged it thsn after like two shots you were laughing and tripping them came into the kitchen and was like 'dean i need to tell you something-" he starts to whisper. "And i was like go ahead castiel. And you were like 'i need sleep' then you crawled onto the counter sat im the sink and looked at me and whispered. 'Bring me a pillow' and then i left" i let a laugh out.
"I remember waking up on the counter...with no pillow"
"Im sorry but at the time i did hate you" a few hours go by until we finally leave. We get into the impala and he stsrts it. He reaches for my hand i look at our hands together and smile.


We walk up to my door. Now usaully i use some lame line like 'would you like coffee?' But he makes me loose thought. "Thank you for a great night" i say.
"You're welcome" he takes a step to me making me step back.
"I want to kiss you so bad" i say. He gets closer as my back is to the wall. I feel his chest against mine. His lips touch mine nervously they pull back but then get pressed to mime again. His lips are soft against mine. We pull apart and both blush.
"Brunch tomarow?" He asks. I nod. "Bye cas" he waves
"Bye dean" i lock the door and grab a water. 12:30 i yawn and go up to my room.


I wake up 20 minutes before dean is suppose to pick me up. I hurry up and change. I go to brush my teeth.
"Hey" dean says standing in the barhroom doorway. I let a scream out.
"Why would you scare me!" I ask catching my breath.
"It's fun" he laughs. "We've gotta go babe" i look up at him.
"Yes, babe" i smile and walk back into my room. I tie my shoes and we walk out.
"So if you call me babe do i get to call you baby?" I ask holding his hand.
"Im not a baby."
"Mmm ok but not infront of sam" his face turns a lught red.
"Ok buttercup" i let a small laugh out. He parks the car i open my door but he pulls me back. He places a kiss on my lips then gets out. I blush and we walk inside.
"Table for three" dean says. We go sit by the window next to eachother. We order a coffee and wait for sam. "We havent had sex yet, ok?"
"Calm down buttercup" i kiss his cheek.
"Wow we are super gay" he laughs. Sam walks in and sits down across from us.
"Sorry im late" he says.
"Its ok." Dean says sipping his coffee.
"So what do you need to tell me?" He orders an orange juice.
"Castiel and I...we're a thing"
"Like how big of a thing?" He asks.
"Big?" Sam and dean look at eachother and i start laughing.
"We're dating, sam" i say.

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