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"Hi" dean smiles as i open the door.
"Hi" i laugh.
"You wore my shirt to bed?" He asks.
"I missed you..." I tug on the lettering.
"Aw. Are you ready for breakfast?"
"My parents are sleeping they shouls be up in an hour or so" i take his hand and pull him.
"You sure?" He asks as my hands feel him.
"No" i back away.
"But we do have an hour or so to make out" his eyebrow raises.
"Youre so stupid" i laugh.
"Hey-" he looks at me in the eyes. "We should make breakfast for them!" A wider smile grows.
"Oh..ok" he grabs my hand and brings me into the kitchen. He grabs eggs and my bacon with flour and other makings. "I want to learn how to cook" i say sitting on the island. He pulls me over.
"Wisk." He drops a few peices of bacon into a pan. He grabs my hand and spins me to him.
"Now the thing about bacon is dont stand close" i take a step back. He pours a the stuff i was wisking into my waffle iron my ex-roommate left. I hear footsteps coming closer-i turn around to see my mom.
"Good morning!" She smiles.
"Mom! Hi" i walk over and give her a hug.
"So this is dean?" She walks over to him. What part of act surprised dont you understand! "Hi" he gives a small smile.
"Im Sharron." She shakes his hand.
"Dean- i see castiel told you" he lets a small laugh out while looking at me.
"Ok come on how am i suppose to have somebody like you and not tell anybody!" I argue.
"Anyway..we made breakfast" he puts a peice of bacon some eggs and two waffles onto a plate amd hands it to her.
"Thank you" she sits down.
"Im going to change" i run up the stairs and grab a button down shirt. I slide onto a pair of jeans. I use to always tuck my shirt in but after a month of dating dean i have found out he likes to untuck my shirts then laugh when i get irritated but he makes up for it and kisses me. I was excited for my parent's to come but sometimes i get sad for no reason and all i want to do is have deans arm around me and watch t.v. i skip down the stairs.
"So does your dad also know?" Dean startles me.
"Yeah" i look down.
"Good" he grabs my face and all of a sudden all my sadness disappears.
"I love you so much" i fall into his arms.
"Cas- are you ok?" He asks me holding me closer.
"I had a bad night." I mumble into his neck.
"Next time-" he pulls me away and looka in my eyes. "-call me. Even if its 3am 6am. 2pm. Call me." He kisses my forehead. "Breakfast my amazing person?" He twirls me. "Why are you so nice to me" i laugh. We walk into the kitchen and he hands me a plate. I sit next to my dad and dean.
"So dean hows sam?" My dad asks.
"Good hes a lawyer now" he nods.
"Yea?" My mom says. Dean nods again.
"So i was thinking your mom and i could go hit a few shops then go get lunch?" My dad says.
"Okay just call me if you need anything" 30 minutes later they leave. We watch them pull out of my drive way.
"So?" Dean says turning around.
"Teach me how to cook" i say.
"Teach you how to cook?" He asks.
"Yeah." He smiles widely.
"Ok what do you want to make?" "Spaghetti" i answer.
"Ok" he laughs. He goes through my cupboards grabbing everything. "Fill this with water, please" he hands me a pan. This is going to be lame buy i have never. Ever. Ever. Cooked before not even ramen noodles. It was always just t.v dinners, eating out, or going to sam and deans. I put it on the stove after filling it up. "Now you need to let that boil." He puts meat into a pan. "Cut this up now and then let it brown" he kisses my temple.
"Why is the water boiling though?" I ask.
"When you put the noodles in it its easier to tell when they're done." He explains.
"Who taught you how to cook?" I ask.
"Myself. I was constantly cooking for sammy. So the older we got the more imtense it would get. I could probably go get a job being a chef but i dont want to make what i do for fun a job" he says.
"So how do you tell when its done?" I ask. He walks over and places a hand around my waist.
"The water will get little bubbles and the meat well..itll be brown"
"The sauce?" I ask looking up at him.
"The same as the water-actually here you go" he hands me a box of noodles. I pour them in and turn around for approval. "You are like a 5 year old" he laughs.
"What do you do while waiting?" I ask.
"If we made pizza or something. We could bang but since its spaghetti we kinda need to watch it" he takes a step closer and puts his hands down on my hips. "But we can do this" our lips meet making me put my hand on the stove..not a good idea. I yelp and we both jump away. "Cas are you ok!" He asks. I run to the sink and run my hand under cold water.
"Get me the seran wrap please?" I ask. I pull my hand out long enough for him to wrap it but throw it back under the water in pain.
"I am so sorry castiel" he says in a worried best friend but kinda boyfriend way.
"It's ok. I ussauly put my hands up, it wasnt your fault" i tell him.
"Im still super sorry cas" he looks so guilty right now.
"Buttercup-" i say. He looks up. "Its ok" a chuckle escapes my mouth. He grabs a ice pack and hands it to me.
"Do you want me to finish this or do you still want to learn?" He asks.
"I got burnt. I'm not dying" i laugh.
"Ok well come here" he reaches for my hand but realizes none of them are free so grabs my shirt instead and drags me closer. He finishes it then grabs a container and seals it. "You know have food and not t.v dinners" he smiles.
"Hey so i just remembered i cant work so you need to so everything." A smirk appears on my face. And yes by work i mean do the deed...plesure my man...banging bed... Have sex..i mean have sex.
"Damnit cas" he looks away.
"Its not as hard as you think." He puts his hand up to his forehead.
"Yeah lets not talk about this" he blushes.
"Im really going to need you" i give him my puppy dog eyes.
"Your parents though" he says. "Theyll call" i sigh. "You did..burn me"
"Damnit cas" he picks me up and we go up to my room.
"I like it better when you're controling me" he says.
"I like being dominant" i laugh.
"It was still good though" dean says as his fingers crawl my back.
"It was." My eyes start to close.
"Good night angel" he kisses my forehead as my eyes close and i loose thought.

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