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Deans p.o.v
I have Cas on my lap asleep as Sam talks about his job.
Knock knock
"I got it" sam opens the door and Bobby stands there with ellen amd Joe.
"Bobby!" I say.
"Dean!" I dont care to stand up since hes asleep on me.
"This must be cas" joe says laughing.
"Yes" i nod. "Cas" i whisper poking him. "Castiel" his eyes open slowly. "My familys here" i tell him. He lets a small moan out and stands up.
"Sorry. Hi im Castiel" he puts his hand out. They all shake it.
"Its nice to see you guys" Ellen hugs me.
"You too" i hug back.
"Here" sam gives them a beer and we sit back down. Cas is on the ground with his back against my chair. I can tell hes jealous because of Joe. We may have kissed a few years ago but im over her.
"Im going to go home and shower." Cas stands up. "See ya tonight." I lean up and give him a kiss.
"Bye" i say and he walks out.
"Ooooh" Ellen laughs.
"Shut up" i say.
"Hes handsome" Joe tells me.
"And those hips" Bobby says making everybody break out laughing except me.
"Ok no! Stop specializing my boyfriend" i say.
"Hes like a kitten. A cute little kitten who naps on his big warm blanket" Sam says.
"Wouldn't you rather me dating a cute Kitten who sleeps and has nice hips then me skanking around?" I ask. It's quiet for a few seconds.
"Fine. You can have a hotter boyfriend then me" joe says.
"Ok well i have to go pack. Spend one last with Cas before it gets crazy" i stand up and go into my room. I throw a couple shirts and jeans into a bag along ith underqear socks my hair gel and my phome charger. I toss the bag over my shoulder amd walk past them.
"I will see you all later" i shut the door and go to Cas's. I walk in without knocking i can hear the shower running i run up the stairs amd put my bag in his room then walk into the bathroom.
I shut the door loudly gettimg his attention. He looks paat the current then smiles. "Hi" he says.
"Hi" i take my shirt off and he raises an eyebrow. I slide my pants off an ny underwear and get in. He laughs continuing to put shampoo in his hair. I give him a mohawk and we burst out laughing. We finish our shower and step out drying our selves off. I open the door to Joe. "Joe!" I yell.
"Ahh! Sorry" she turns around
"What are you doing!" I ask.
"We're going to Dinner amd they sent me here to tell you both"
"Ok ok we'll be down in like 10" i pull cas past her and shut the bedroom door. I put on some cloths i can tell cas is still jealous.
"Dean?" He says i look up at him. "Joe is gorgeous" he says.
"Girls arent exactly my area" i tell him.
"But what if they will. Dean. Im the only man you've been with and before me there was tons of girls. What if i hurt you so bad and a girl shows up?" He says. I grab his face with my hand squeezing his lips.
"Don't say that. I love you" i press my lips to his. I let go of him. "You're the person im going to die with. You want to know why?" I ask. "Because you've been there for me in a way no girl or guy ever will be. Ok? When im upset all i want to do is come over to you and hold you. Not some stripper or boy toy. I want you, Cas and only you." I look down at him and give a reassuring smile.
"Okay. Im sorry" i lean down and plant a kiss on his lips. He puts a sweater on and i look down at his hips.
"No" i grab a baggier shirt and hand it to him.
"What?" He asks.
"Youve got great hips" i tell him.
"Okay?" He says.
"They told me you have great hips" i confess. He lets a loud laugh out.
"Do you think so?" He asks. Now this is when id feel him up bend down do my signature move,kiss above hia pant line then slowly take his pants off. But unfortunately we have dinner so all i can say is-
"Oh heck yeah" he smiles widely and tosses the shirt i gave him on the ground.
"Good thing these hips are yours then." Cas smirks.





Castiels p.o.v

"So howd you guys meet?" Ellen asks at dinner.
"Mutal like for a girl in bar. Which lead is to hating eachother." Dean laughs.
"I mean howd you guys become this?" She gestures at our hands intertwined. We look at eachother and clear our throats.
"A drunken night" Dean says with a blush.
"Then a hungover morning" i finish.
"So you guys fell inlove by having sex?" Bobby asks.
"Arent you guys afraid when you get older you'll stop loving eachother because you cant...please each other?" She asks.
"Ok well i didnt excatly want this to come out now. I was hoping id tell Cas the truth in a tux holding his ring exchanging vows but i liled cas a few months before we became this" a smile apears on my face and i look at him.
"Really?"i fell inlove with Dean the moment i spotted him across the bar. That's how Sam and i became friemds because i wanted to get to know dean. Who couldnt fall in love with his green eyes and dark pink lips.
"Yeah" he exaims my face.
"Well id like to know how mr.Wominizer fell inlove now" joe says.
"Well i dont excatly know how or why but he was hanging out with sam watching t.v and i looked over at him and i felt this..thing in my chest and now here we are. So no im not afraid our spark will die" he says.
"I love you Dean Winchester" i clash our lips together and it seem like were all alone as cant help falling in love by elvis presely plays through the spearks.
"I love you too Castiel Novak"

Ok so i wrotw this earlier today and was working on part 13 when i checked instagram and came back to it it was all gone so i had to rewrite it.. But there you go. I actually really enjoy doing this lol. Vote for 12 and i will do more smut.

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