Sorry Sonic...

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I almost lost the ideas, so if this chapter doesn't make sense please don't judge. Btw I love this pic. I don't own it, of course 😂.

~back with Sonic & Amy~

After the battle with Scourge, Sonic went to speak with Amy. She let Sonic know she was alright but then later found herself leaning towards Sonic and vice versa. As soon as she closed her eyes she realized what she was doing.

She immediately opened her eyes and pushed Sonic away.

She started blushing but yet held a sad expression upon her face. While Sonic on the other hand was showing signs of confusion and disappointment(not because of her).

Amy's eyes started tearing up,"Um thank you for helping me with the whole Scourge thing but, I-I uh have to go." She turned to run but before that she turned to him with an apologetic look,"I'm sorry Sonic......"

After that statement she was gone. Sonic held his hand out and was getting ready to chase after her but, then realized there was no point. He decided to run over to Tails' workshop, he needed advice.

Sonic made it to Tails' place in a flash and went straight to the workshop, for he knew that this is where he'd be.

He entered the garage-like workshop and saw a pinkish violet hedgehog, laying on the wing of X-tornado with her feet in the air, swaying back and forth(typical teenage position, I guess 😂😌). This was Sonia, his twin sister. (Yes I know they were triplets but Manic isn't in this). He also saw Tails doing some "modifications" to the plane......again.

"Hey guys." Sonic said in his not so cheery voice. The two turned their attention over to the blue (in more ways than one) hedgehog. Tails and Sonia looked at one another and then looked back at Sonic.

"Sonic, are you ok?" Said Tails," guys do you think you can give me some advice?" It was now Sonia's turn to speak,"what about?"

Sonic started blushing,"Um well girls?" Tails and Sonia started blushing, then smirked and looked at each other,"Not it!" Tails quickly said with a devious smile while Sonia frowned in defeat.

Sonia then jumped down from the plane and walked over to Sonic with a calm expression,"ok, so what's wrong with you and Amy?" Sonic started blushing like crazy and looked nervous,"W-why do y-you think its about Amy?" Tails started laughing and said,

"Because it's obvious you like her, so it would only make sense to assume she's the girl you're talking about.""Who else knows I like her?""everyone......except Amy"

Sonic sighed in relief and turned back to his sister,"so you got any advice?" Sonia motioned towards the chairs, suggesting them to sit, in which they did. She asked Sonic to explain the situation to her so she can understand what she's working with. He told her everything that's been happening this week and she listened to every word.

"And that's all that happened." Sonic concluded from his story. The violet hedgehog nodded then shrugged and said,"well it seems she gave up on you." After hearing this statement Sonic fell on the ground face first and groaned. Sonia then folded her arms with a frown,"bro let me finish"

Sonic got up from the floor and went back on the chair to listen to Sonia. Tails moved from the tornado so he can listen as well,"what I'm saying is, it appears she gave up on loving you but appearances can be deceiving. She might still love you, so I wouldn't lose hope. I mean no one can really give up on their first love." They both nodded at that statement.

"So then what do I do?" Sonic asked with hope in his eyes. "Well I doubt that she's just gonna forgive you for basically shutting her love out, countless times. So maybe you should try gaining her trust back." "How do I do that?"

Tails added on, "well you can try taking her on dates, treating her nice and do the most obvious." "And that is?" Then Sonia and Tails yelled in unison, "Tell her how you feel!!!"

Sonic looked at them and started thinking,'I don't know if this is a good idea. I mean do I really love her? Who am I kidding, of course I do.' He stopped thinking and looked to his siblings, "thanks guys, I'll take your advice." "No prob, bro" said Sonia, "good luck bro." Said Tails.

Sonic hugged his siblings and ran out the workshop. Tails turned to Sonia and smirk,"if they kiss are we doing picture or video?" Sonia gasped and looked at Tails,"Miles Tails Prower, you should be greatly ashamed." Tails nodded with an apologetic look,"you're right what was I thinking." They then both smiled and said at the same time,"we need to do both!!" They high fived each other and went back to do what they were doing before Sonic came.

Oh Sonia and Tails, will you ever learn. Anyway if anyone wants to give any ideas they're open to do so. (I can use all the help I can get) of course you will get cred at the beginning of the chapter. Ok, so let's see what was i doing? Oh yea. Will Sonic be able to ask Amy out? Will she accept? Will Sonia and Tails record the Sonamy moment? Will I stop asking questions? Find out in the next chapter.

{Sonamy} love is so confusingWhere stories live. Discover now