Is it over?

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The scientist and Sonic stood across from one another. A wind blew by as they stared each other down. The scientist smirked,

"Ah the infamous blue hedgehog. World's fastest thing alive." He giggled, "So tough, so dumb. Honestly, who brings a pregnant woman on a dangerous quest such as this one?"

He turned his gaze to Amy and licked his lips, "Although she's carrying extra weight, she is still just as ravishing as before." He walked over to her and quickly dipped her in his arms, moving his face closer to hers, "It's a shame my brother got his hands on you first. I would've really loved to-ugh"

He was interrupted by Sonic zoom punching him in his face. The scientist fell to the floor with blood pouring from his nose. Ava rolled up to him and gasped, "Daddy! Daddy, get up!"

"Daddy's okay Ava, please stand back." He coughed with her obeying his orders. He stood up, slowly putting his hands up. He coughed and blood spat out of his mouth.

"Sonic please, I have much too explain before we can tussle." Sonic cracked his knuckles as he floated towards him, "or we can save the chit-chat and I can beat your scrawny ass right now."

"Ah yes, but how would that look for the world renowned hero?" "No one has to know." Sonic moved closer and Eggman stepped in, "Sonic, do you remember what I said? Let's hear him out." Sonic groaned.

"Why the hell should we hear him out?! He's one of the people that caused Amy and my unborn kid pain!" "But don't you want to know how this came to be?" The scientist smirked. Sonic glared at him, eventually sighing.

The scientist coughed up some more blood and stood up straight, "Glad to hear that. I don't think I properly introduced myself," he bowed. "My name is Salazar. I'm the scientist who works for that beefy leader, Sergei."

Sonic rolled his eyes but then realized something, "hold on, earlier you called him your brother. What's the deal with that? He's the big and strong leader or in other words King of the island and you're just a scientist who works for him?"

Salazar put his head down, "heh, you caught on to that. Yes, he is my brother. On that note I'd like to thank you. I finally got rid of that sorry excuse of a leader."

Shadow huffed, "Seems like you two didn't get along."

"That's an understatement. We couldn't stand each other. If I weren't the inferior one, I'd have ridded him myself." Ava jumped into the scientist's arms and hugged him. "He always got what he wanted. Money. Girls. The love of our parents. Everything. I bet you think the plan to rule over all of these islands was his idea, well it wasn't!!"

The gang stared at him in shock. To think this little hellhound scientist would think to conquer different islands.

"Yeah it was me. Heh, you know he didn't even know who you were, Sonic." Sonic froze and glared at him even harder. "That's right. It wasn't until I pulled up your puny little island and brought up your info. We finally had our competition. I saw images of you and your little friends but only one had caught my eye."

He turned his frame to Amy and smiled, "Amelia Rosette, formally known as Amy Rose." Amy ran behind Sonic and blushed, "the beautiful hedgehog that caught my eye, and apparently my idiotic brother."

Sonic rolled his eyes, "you know you're really dragging my patience, get to the point." Salazar spat out the blood that formed in his mouth and continued,

"Impatient. Just like that other hedgehog, I'm sure you know him. You ought too, after all you did kill him." Sonic widened his eyes, " do y-" "how do I know? Well I have been keeping my eye on you for quite some time Sonic, plus I had that booger working with me a while back until that brother of mine banished him. I've been keeping tabs on him ever since. That's when you came in. He was the only one who chose me over my brother."

{Sonamy} love is so confusingWhere stories live. Discover now