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Ignore the dialogue, I used this pic to capture the scene. This picture and comic belongs to my favorite Sonic artist, E-Vay.

~a few months later~

"ARGHHHHH!!! AHHH!!" Amy screamed as a few doctors and Sonic pushed her wheelchair. Sonic grabbed her hand and quickly regretted as Amy squeezed the life out of it.

"Don't worry baby. Everything's gonna be okay." Sonic said, gritting through the pain. "SONIC YOU SUCK!!!" "I know, shh, it's okay." He kissed her forehead and the doctors pushed her into her room.

The doctor stopped Sonic from entering, "Sonic, can you wait in the waiting room while we prep Ms. Rose for delivery." Sonic nodded and went into the waiting room.

As Sonic sat down, Tails and the gang burst through the entrance. "Sonic I got your text, what's going on?!" Tails said out of breath. "I thought you got my text." "Yeah, I got your gibberish." Tails showed him the text on his phone, it read 'Tuals, ermy @ hulbtsa conu qourf!!' "I had to track you down using the wrist communicator. It seemed urgent so I called the gang."

Sonic put his hand behind his head, "well I can explain that."


Sonic and Amy were lounging out on the couch watching a bunch of re-runs on t.v. It had been exceptionally quiet after their whole adventure. Even after the whole adventure, Eggman was in his lair plotting on how to destroy Sonic and he made it clear to everyone. Sonic chuckled, shaking his head at the thought.

"Sonic, I'm gonna go get dinner started I'll be right back." Amy said as she slowly tried to get off the couch. Her big stomach and extra weight made it a bit difficult. Sonic put a hand on her, gently pushing her back down.

"Hold up Ames, you're well into your pregnancy right now and I don't think you should be moving too much. Sit here and relax, I'll go start dinner." He smiled at her, kissed her on the forehead and got up to go start dinner.

He went into the kitchen and pulled out the ingredients to make rice and curry chicken.

Amy was still on the couch just watching t.v. Just then Amy felt the baby kick and something pop in her stomach. She felt water drip down her thigh and she instantly knew what that meant.

"SONICCC!!!!" Immediately Sonic was in front of Amy and helped her stand up. "What's wrong?" Amy grabbed his hand and a contraction hit her unexpectedly causing her to squeeze the life out of Sonic's hand.

"U-Uh Amy?! You're kind of ARGH-" she squeezed his hand again in pain. At this point his hand was crushed. "S-Sonic the baby, the baby is coming!!" She said gritting through the pain.

Sonic's eyes opened wide and he pulled out his phone, quickly texting Tails in pain, not noticing what he was typing as he had tears in his eyes. He then picked Amy up and dashed towards the medical hut (it's a hospital but just let me have my fun T^T).

They made it and Sonic looked around for help. He saw a doctor and rushed to him, "Please help! My girlfriend is going into labor." The doctor and nurses quickly put her in a wheelchair and rolled her to her room.

Amy held onto Sonic's hand one last time, "Sonic I'm scared." He leaned forward and kissed her tired lips. "Don't be. I'll be right here the whole time." She squeezed his hand again but this time harder than before.

{Sonamy} love is so confusingWhere stories live. Discover now