The Blue Haired Boy

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I entered my apartment and threw my beach bag onto the floor. It had been a long day and I just wanted to crash into my couch and watch TV.

I managed to make myself some food in the kitchen and then made my way to the living room. A flower vase had fallen down from the window that was wide open. There were shards all over the floor. Did I leave the window open? I was too tired to do anything about it, but I at least closed the window before jumping into the couch.

I woke up in a dark room. Where was I? The heat from my body and the dry air made me dizzy. My eyes got used to the darkness and I could see that I was still in my living room. I must have fallen asleep on the couch.

I opened some windows to let in some fresh air and then searched for my phone. I trembled in the darkness but managed to find it on the floor, right by the couch. I checked the display and realized it was 1.34 AM. Before heading upstairs to my bed, I made sure to close the windows again and check to see if the front door was still locked.

Right before entering my bedroom I felt a sudden pain in my foot, but it was too dark for me to see what caused it, and I was also too tired to care.

I crashed into the bed and fell asleep right away. I woke up in the morning by the sound of my alarm clock. A groan escaped my lips while I searched for the snooze.

The next time my alarm rang, I slowly opened my eyes and sighed. The sun was shining through my window and I could hear birdsong from the outside. I turned off the alarm and sat up in bed. I looked through all social media on my phone before getting out of bed. Then I saw that my sheet had a few bloodstains on it. I had no idea where it came from. As I walked out of my room I saw a photograph lying on the floor. The glass was broken and filled with blood. I looked under my foot and saw a cut.

I noticed a few more things that were out of place as I did my daily routine. My wardrobe was open, my neatly organized perfumes and lotions were in the wrong order as well as my kitchen ingredients, one of my book stacks had fallen down and someone had tried to hack my computer as it said: "Wrong password, try again".

I quickly got out of my house and drove to school way too early. I felt really uncomfortable. Did someone break into my house while I was at the beach? It sure as hell did not look like that before I left my house yesterday.

The school was pretty empty this early in the morning. Only a few students were there. I sat down on a bench and put in my earplugs, listening to music and waiting for time to pass by. Ten lonely minutes passed.

Then someone pulled out one of my earplugs.

- Hello there, loner.

I looked up with a deep frown but relaxed my face when I saw it was River.

- Morning, I smiled.

- What are you doing here so early? He asked me.

- I'd like to ask you the same question.

- Well, for your information, I'm working at the student council. Like I've been doing for about a year, he said and wiggled his eyebrows.

I playfully hit his arm.

- And you call yourself a friend, he mumbled and peered with his eyes, looking at me like I was a traitor.

- You've never mentioned it before, I said while putting up my hands in protest.

- If you say so, he smirked.

I felt like I had to tell him about these weird things that happened during the weekend.

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