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Riley's continuous impatient tapping was making Liam clench his teethes. I could tell he was really tired and just wanted to go to sleep. Our food arrived and Riley's finger tapping finally stopped. Riley and I instantly took a large bite of our sandwiches and Liam took a careful sip of his coffee. 

- Nathaniel just texted me that Ashton's awake now, Riley reported as he checked his messages. 

- How's he feeling? I asked and he typed the sentence and pressed send.

Soon we got a reply that he had just gotten the last dose of medicine that Riley had prepared and that they still hadn't gotten any answers from the company located in New York. 

- I could call my father and ask him to contact them, Liam said. 

We both nodded while chewing fast. Liam seemed to be hesitating when calling, and it looked like Riley noticed too. 

- H-hello, he stuttered into the phone after a few seconds of waiting.

- Do you think Mr. Kingsley will still be mad? Riley whispered to me. 

- I hope not, I replied. 

- Seriously? I heard Liam mumble. 

He was quiet for a while but then told his request about Ashton. He had to tell how the accident occurred and Liam's face expression made it seem like his dad was anything but pleased about hearing it.

- I have to go to the toilet, I said to Riley and stood up.

- I'll go with you, he said and followed me. 

- Why?

- You might get lost, it's a big airport.

- Okay... But tell Liam to guard the luggage. 


I kept waiting for them to show up and they had already been away for too long. I had told Riley that we had to stick together, but still they left. I snorted as I remembered him telling me to guard the luggage. I checked the departure list and saw it was only a few minutes left before our gate would close. I glared at Jessamy's blue and Riley's grey suitcase and their half eaten sandwiches. Where were they?

The airport was loud but I still managed to hear the sound of quick footsteps coming right towards me. I turned around and saw Jessamy hurry with an anxious Riley behind.

- The gates will close in only a few minutes, right? Riley told me.

- Yes, we have to go right now, I answered. 

Riley grabbed his sandwich and they hurried after Jessamy to the gate. I caught up with them and he suddenly kept slowing down to get some distance from her.

- They're here. I think they saw her, he hissed into my ear. 

Both of us caught up with her and entered the gate just before it closed. we entered the plane and got ourselves installed for a long trip. Jessamy was sitting by the window and Riley sat in the middle seat. I had the seat closest to the aisle where the employees and passengers were free to walk around in once the plane was in the air. 

I got eye contact woman who sat on the other side of the aisle. As I looked away and started talking to Riley, I could see in the corner of my eye that she kept looking our direction. When I saw her looking away I took a quick glance at the seats around her. The man who sat right next was wearing shades and having a quiet discussion with her. In the third seat, an old man with a patterned shirt read a pocketbook. It didn't look like he was with them. I quickly observed the area to see if someone else was suspicious looking. I couldn't see anyone, but there could be more of them.

- Hey, what is it? Riley asked with his mouth filled with bread. 

- Aren't you done eating that yet? I asked annoyed. 

- I didn't have time to-, he began.

I hushed him and whispered about the suspicious looking passengers next to us. He discretely looked at them and slowly nodded. 

- Okay, we should keep an eye on them, he said. 


Nathaniel quietly patted Ashton's sweaty forehead with a warm wet towel and Jasper kept walking around in circles while talking on the phone. Ashton was paler than usually and had a high fever. 

- Are you sure we shouldn't give him a cold towel? He's burning up, I told Nathaniel as I felt his dripping forehead. 

- No, that'll just make it worse.

Jasper hung up on the phone and walked over to us. 

- Good news, they'll be here in 15 minutes. Mr. Kingsley had told them it was an emergency.

- Who? Ashton asked. 

- The New York company, Nathaniel explained to him.

- Is that where you work? I asked Jasper. 

- Um, yeah, he answered.

15 minutes later we were standing outside the hotel, waiting for our ride to show up. New York was cloudy and windy. My hair kept twirling around my head, making me unable to see a thing. The more I tried to fix it, the worse it got. I looked at Nathaniel and Jasper who both had styled their hair neatly with gel and seemed untroubled by the weather. The wind sent cold shivers through my whole body. I looked at Ashton who sat on a bench, too weak to stand up. By some reason, he was smiling widely.

- Are you struggling Goldilocks? He asked. 

- Beauty over comfort, Cruella, I smiled back. 

- Too bad I lack both of these right now, he joked. 

He surely did look white and dead as a ghost and I couldn't imagine the pain he went through.

A black car pulled up right next to us. 

- It's her, Jasper said and walked over to greet the driver. 

- So you're from the company in the U.K? She asked as we all got into the car. 

- Yes, Ashton, Nathaniel and I said at the same time. 

- Are you the one who were hurt? She asked and looked at Ashton in the rearview mirror. 

- Yeah, he simply answered. 

After chit chatting with her for about 20 minutes as she drove through the high traffic, we had reached the edge of Manhattan. 

- Here we are, she said and got out off the car. 

A high and impressing skyscraper rose above us.

- Is it this whole building? I asked. 

- Yes, every floor is owned by us, she smiled.

It was a really big headquarter, you couldn't even compare it to the tiny company back in London. 

- Let's head inside, she said and helped Nathaniel escort Ashton to the door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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