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The next morning I woke up by the sound of my alarm clock. I also heard the sound of that familiar female voice.

- You have ten minutes to prepare yourself for breakfast.

I groaned. My body was sore and tired from the last day. I couldn't imagine going through all that, day, after day. Hopefully, it gets better with time.

I turned off the alarm clock and the display showed it was 5.00 AM. Why did I have to get up so early? I really wanted to see my schedule. If it was like this every day, I would definitely go and complain to Mr. Kingsley.

I got up and did my morning routine. When I opened my wardrobe I saw my uniforms. There were many different kinds of them, to suit all kinds of weather and purpose. They all had the same color code. Red, blue and white. My syllables, J.A, covered every garment. I got to choose between three different summer practice uniforms. One of them was marine blue with white details and red syllables. The second one was white with blue details and red syllables. And lastly there was a red one with white details and blue syllables. I picked the first one and it fit perfectly.

I walked through the dark and empty hallway to the elevator. No one seemed to be up, except me.

The cafeteria was dark and spooky. The lights were shut down, but the strong lights from the kitchen lit up the room a little bit. It was dead quiet except for silent voices that talked to each other in the middle of the room. As my eyes got adjusted to the dark I saw a group of people sitting around a round table.

I walked closer to see who they were and recognized them as my fellow teammates.

- Morning, the curly haired boy said.

- Good morning, everyone, I said.

- You can go into the kitchen and get your food, the robots aren't here, the blonde boy told me.

I did as he said.

The kitchen was big and filled with high technological supplies. I checked the fridge to see what I had to work with. I managed to see a tray with a finished breakfast meal. There was a note stuck on it that said: For Miss height 166 cm and weight 46 kg / C21.

That must be my meal. Did the others also get funny messages on their meals? I microwaved the food that was supposed to be served warm before I went back out into the cafeteria.

I sat down in between the rainbow haired girl and a ginger-haired boy.

- Did you seriously do all that so quickly? The rainbow-haired girl asked me.

- What do you mean? I asked confused.

- That's impressive, a black haired boy said.

What were they talking about? Didn't they get finished meals like me? When I looked at their plates I saw that many of them looked pretty distasteful. The robots would never serve anyone a meal like that, so I guess my teammates weren't very good at cooking. But why did someone prepare a meal just for me? It didn't make sense at all.

- So, do you guys know why we had to get up this early? I asked them.

- Did you forget? We're officially the loser team, we have to work in the kitchen, the rainbow-haired girl said.

- Oh, right, I lowered my head as I remembered.

The cafeteria door opened as three robots entered. They didn't mind us at all. They just rolled into the kitchen with their tri-track spinning fast.

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