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DISCLAIMER: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Caroline's POV (Caroline's pic)

"..... .. this, this, this one and this. Oh yeah! Even the royal blue, red and purple dress I already showed you." I said pointedly at the saleslady.

Your right. Yes! Iam shopping at 11 in the morning. Sooo fun! Well that's the only fun thing I can do when you have a degree but you have such sweet parents who don't want to see you working.

Just then, I saw my cell vibrating. 'Mom? Why would she call me now?' I thought. Anyways I picked her call.
"Hey Mom, why you-" I wasn't able to complete my sentence as I heard Mom's worried voice "Carol come to the hospital soon. Now!"

"What?! Why?! Mom what's going on? What happened?" I asked.

"Just get here to the hospital. I don't have time to explain things to you!" She almost screamed at me and cut the call.

Okaaay.... That was something!
After I reached the hospital I called mom and she told me to come to the second floor. When I saw mom, I had never seen her soo stressed. I also saw my dad's lawyer standing there holding my younger brother, Dylan.

Dread filled me. "Mom, where's dad?" I asked.

She started trembling and burst into tears and fell to the floor before I could catch her. She then pointed out towards the door infront of us.

I stood up to reach the door. And what I saw inside was what I feared the most. I saw my father lieing lifeless on the hospital bed.

I went near him and sat on the bed. I tried to shake his shoulders. But he wouldn't wake up.
I didn't know what to do....

1 week later

It was my father's funeral today. Now I was trying to get my mom to sleep.
Somehow after 2 hours I gave her sleeping pills and tucked her into bed.

Just as I was going to my room I heard a sob coming from Dylan's room. There I saw Dylan crying his eyes out, I went and hugged him trying to console him.

The question he asked next got me thinking. "What happens now?"

I don't know when but he was already asleep. So I switched off the lights and closed his door.

In my room, I sat infront of the mirror looking at myself. I felt something warm fall on my hands. That's when I realised I was crying. I didn't cry when I saw my father in the hospital that day. Not even during his funeral.

But I wanted to be strong for my family. Mamma is already in the worst state she could ever be in. And Dylan is too young to be having such experiences in his life. Too young to loose his father. Its on me to take care of them now. But what's haunting me was Dylan's question. 'What happens now?'

Another few weeks later

I was sitting in the lawyer's office. He informed me that the person who was responsible for the accident was drunk and has managed to escape out of the country. But I already have lost my father. Would I get him back if that dunkard is found. I was totally uninterested about that. Even Mamma said the same.

Then he read out the will for me. Dad had written all his property and everything in the name of Mamma and me. And for Dylan but only after he turns 18.

Same day, in the evening I was sitting in a cafe thinking about what I can and how I will take care of mom and Dylan. I might have a degree in Business but I never worked, not even a simple job. How will I run a company all by myself?!

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