Chapter 7: What's My Decision?

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Caroline's POV

Is he offering me a job? With a house? Oh my god. That's....... WOW!

But.... how will I work with him. He is too much of a distraction.
But c'mon Caroline, it's not about your distraction. It's about your family. Your not working for fun but to take care of your family. That's a big responsibility.

I looked at him and said "I need time"

"May I know the reason why Miss Brook?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"No." I said firmly and continued

"Stop calling me Miss Brook. That's my mother. And how do you know it's 'Brook'?" I asked curiously.

"I have my ways" he said brightly.

"Don't try 'n' be smart with me Mr. Daniel......." I was thinking.

"Rochester" he answered.

Well what can you do with a man like him whose name itself sounds so intimidating yet sexy. Everything about him is hot, handsome and sexy like him. What? I asked myself. Here comes my weird thoughts.

"So" he said bringing me out of my thoughts. "Have you decided?" He asked.

"What" I asked with confusion.

"About the job offer of course" he said calmly.

"I said give me some time" I said annoyed.

"You haven't thought about it yet? Quick. Soon!" He says.

What the... ?

"You did'nt even give me an hour to think about it. And I need one day to think about it. I'll answer tomorrow" I said looking incredulously at him.

"Your not supposed to order me around. I'm the boss I'll set the time!" he said.

"This is the reason I need time to think coz I might work for an asshole of a boss" I mumbled to myself.

I'm damn sure he would've heard it, coz I wanted him to hear it. And I know he did as I saw him frowning at me but he didn't say any further and kept quite.

"You're not my boss yet!" I said loudly.

"Whatever! I don't care. Just give me my answer. If it's a yes then you can move into the apartment tomorrow. I'll send my men to help you with packing and shifting tomorrow morning" he said arrogantly.

Wow! That's a nice offer. But can I work with this man? It's a question for myself. First of all, he is arrogant. And secondly, he is arrogantly handsome. He'll distract me. But I need the money and the place to live.

"You know.... Please ju-just give me some time. I'll let you know by tomorrow. Same cafe. But at 4 in the evening. Ok?" I asked.

"NO!" He said. Almost screamt that I took a step back coz of fear.

He seemed to notice my fear and closed his eyes trying to calm himself down.

"You either take up my offer now, or leave it." He said.
And..... and I was looking around with my mouth open trying to find an answer for myself.

"Alright Caroline. Don't you think that's a lot if time?" He said raising his voice. He is rude!

"I just asked you for more time. That's not a crime"

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