Chapter 1: Job Hunt, In A Club With A Hunk!

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Caroline's House- Inside and Out--->

Caroline's POV

I just came back from Kate's house. It's Thursday morning. Thought I'd be ready to handle dad's company from Monday. Well.. here I am. It's Thursday already and I've reached nowhere.

"MOM.." I called for her.

"I'm upstairs sweetie.. in your room" she replied.

I got a nice look of my house while going up the stairs. You never know, it maybe the last time I might see this house.

When I reached the room, mom was cleaning! Weird! I don't know mom has got a bonding towards cleaning these days.

I can't hide it anymore from her. I have to say this out loud. I went near her sat her down on my bed and told her everything uncle Anthony had told me and that I was at Kate's home since 3days.

When I looked up at her face, she held no expression.

Finally she stood up, it was as though she was in deep thought.

"Mom, are you fine? I'll get you some water?" I asked.

"No no I'm fine. How much have we lost? I mean what are we left with?" She asked.

"Ummhhh.... aaahh... actually we are left w-with n-no.... nothing. Not even this house Mom" I finally said it out loud and turned my back towards her.

I heard a loud thud. I turned back to see that mom had collapsed on the floor. I called out for her. I shook her. But she did'nt wake up. I sprinkled water on her face, but nothing happened. She did'nt even move a finger.

'Oh my god! Not again! I've already lost my father, I can't loose my mother too' I thought.

I felt like crying. I was almost on the verge of crying when I went near her, put my finger below her nose. Thank god she is breathing. I calmed down a bit but I still need to know that she is fine!

I called Kate to help me take mom to the hospital. Dylan was at school.

We reached the hospital and the doctor checked her. I was completely freaked until he said "She is fine, just that her BP level is too low and a lot of mental stress led her to faint. See to it that she doesn't undergo any kind of stress. I think she should be conscious by now. She'll wake up anytime now. There's no need to worry."

I sighed out of relief. By afternoon, I sent Kate to bring Dylan back home.
I called uncle Anthony but he didn't pick up the call. I don't know what's wrong he never ignores our call.

Mom had woken up and the doctor gave the green signal to go home and he said that everything was fine and that there's nothing to worry about. Well I had no money, Kate paid the hospital bill. And I'm sooo thankful to her for that.

Mom stayed silent throughout our journey to home. She went upto her room as soon as we reached home.

I was sitting in the living room when Dylan brought a letter to me. That was already opened so Dylan might have read it.

When I saw that I did'nt feel any kind of emotion because I had expected this.

It was our notice to leave the house by Thursday. So we have one more week. I sighed.

I forgot that Dylan was standing infront of me. I pulled him to me and hugged him tight.

"It's ok Dylan. Everything will be fine." I said to him.

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