Chapter 42: A Family!

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Every Family with it's own ups and downs!
The love of a family is a life's greatest blessing.... a family.. it's like branches of a tree, they may grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one......

Caroline's POV

My life has been perfect... but here I'm sitting with my mom narrating the entire story listening to her sobs with Daniel next to me.

"Mamma... it's alright.. will you just stop crying?!" I screamed at my Mom.

"Oh stop shouting. I'm worried about you ok... and and.. what if something had happened to you or the baby?! Did you even think about the baby" Now she is screaming at me!

"No..... no I didn't. Cause I was busy thinking about the baby's stupid father!" I said now glaring at Daniel whose hand lay around my waist protectively.

"Stupid?" He asked amused with a smile playing on his lips.

"But children... all jokes aside. I'm scared that after they are out of jail.. then what? They might try to create problems for you again." Mamma asked Daniel.

"You don't have to worry Sophie. They've been pressed with charges of murder, fraud and attempt to murder on Cara and me. Even if there are chances that they might come out soon then I can handle it legally. If you're still worried don't worry I can ask Nick to finish them" he said.

"Finish them?" I asked for which he winked at me. "Oh god! Mamma I think I'll leave. I'm not sure I'm feeling well.. I wanna go home and sleep..." I said moaning into Daniel's chest.

"Okay Darling.. you both leave. Even I need to pick Dylan. He wants to shop for his gadgets!" She said in a childlike manner.

"Come on Daniel. Let's go please...." I said and pulled him onto his legs.

"Daniel.... sweetheart.. please get her to eat something. She always forgets!" She said rolling her eyes.

"Argh! Mamma! You just be quiet" I said pulling Daniel with me. But he stopped. "What?"

"Wait a minute darling.. I have a surprise for you mum." He cleared his throat and started. "Actually... aaahhh... you don't have to live in this apartment anymore.." he said and my mom looked at him expectantly. "You have the mansion back.. in your name.." he said.

Wow! Mamma was on cloud nine. She hugged us both and thanked Daniel for everything he has done for us.

Right now I'm sitting inside the car waiting to reach home. I looked at Daniel... don't you think I'm so lucky to have him?
When we reached our house. I called out for him... "Daniel....." I pulled on with extra love dripping in my voice.

"Yesss...." he pulled on too with a look of doubt on his face.

"Can you carry me upto our room?" I asked too sweetly.

"Sure babe" he said happily and quickly came to my side and picked me bridal style. "May I know the reason for your sudden love" he asked. "Not that I complain" he added with a grin.

"Just like that.. I realised I actually love my husband too much.. that's why the sudden love" I said pecking his lips.

He safely deposited me on the bed and jumped in next to me. "Come here" he said and pulled me into his chest. "What do you think it's a girl or a boy?" He asked suddenly all too serious with his eyes on my little bump.

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