Chapter 20: The Past in Jet and the First Time!

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Caroline's POV

Yesterday night was awesome, I mean obviously we did'nt have..... we didn't do it. But it was just so romantic, cuddling with each other. Him kissing my temple, forehead, eyes and biting on my ears. I kissed him on the nose coz I love it. So sharp and straight. I even bit it once but Daniel did'nt let me again. Wink wink! And he was blushing so hard when I did that. So when we woke up today morning, the driver had parked the car on the roadside. And Daniel himself drove us to the penthouse.

So as soon as we came, we packed our clothes and other necessities for almost a month, though Daniel said there's no need to pack so much. He said he'd buy me new things. Typical Daniel!
So here we are sitting inside his private jet going to.... I don't know where. He says it's a surprise. And he said his parents have already left so it's just us alone in the jet. I'm gonna love it though.

I have to say it's such a spacious and luxurious jet. Large seats! You can actually sleep there. And don't even ask me about the room. Large, round, white fluffy bed. Well Daniel got me to tour the entire jet. And then came the air hostess drooling and flirting with my Daniel with a seductive smile. Bitch! That's the only word I can think about for her. Oh god! I hate this. You know what her name was? Guess guess.... Ashley!
Oh god! Why me? One Ashlynn left my life. And here enters another Ashley! I don't know how I'll handle if there's two Natasha's!

The plane was about to take off and Daniel was still talking to her which I did'nt give any attention to. Because I was seriously pissed. I slowly pulled my hand out of his and went back to my seat and tightened the seatbelt around my waist. Daniel came back with a knowing smile on his face. I turned my head towards the window, a bit angry with him for giving her so much attention rather than me. He did'nt even notice when I slipped out of his hand. He chose to sit next to me but kept quiet without saying anything. The plane was almost about to take off and I tightened my grip on the armrest. Not that I'm scared! But I feel so excited, that's why I chose the window seat. I've always loved flying. Except that Dad never allowed us into the jet. Now that I think about it. I don't think we'd ever get a chance to sit in his jet.

"What happened? Why such sudden mood change?" He asked worried, noticing the sadness on my face. I was debating with myself that if I could tell him or not. Would he make fun of me if I told him about Dad? Last time I cried on his shoulder, I made a laughing stock of myself. I don't know what he thought.
"You know you can tell me anything right?" When I did'nt reply to it. He held both my hands in his and waited until I looked up at him.
"We promised each other yesterday. You were gonna give me a chance. And you have to trust me and open up for that. Ask me anything you desire, anything you want! I'll make sure it'll be infront of you the next moment itself!" He said making my heart flutter.

"You can't get me what I want Daniel... I've already lost him" I said.

"Tell me what it is" he said and then seemed confused and angry "him?" He asked.

I quickly gave my answers not ready to see his anger "Yes. My Dad. I miss him. I was always a disappointment to him. I tried. I really tried to be his perfect daughter. But I failed everytime!" I said as tears filled my eyes. But I was trying to blink them away. I don't want to get embarrassed infront of him again.

His face seemed to relax a bit and it was my chance to seem confused.
"Why were you angry a moment ago?" I asked seriously.

"Aaaahh....." he said and I raised my eyebrows asking him to continue with the truth. "You said him" he said emphasising on 'him'.

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